Child Care Assessment Team

What to do if you're concerned about a child?

We provide protection and support to children who are at risk of abuse. If you have any worries about children who may be at risk of harm and you want to discuss this with us please call the Contact Centre on 01437 764551. Social Services out of hours telephone number 0345 601 5522

If you think a child is in immediate danger ring 999.

We all share a responsibility to ensure that children are protected from harm. Safeguarding is everybody’s business. If you or others have concerns about the potential safety or risk to a child or young person, it is your responsibility to act on those concerns.

If you suspect that a child or young person is at risk:

  •  never assume that somebody else will report
  •  never delay passing your concerns through the above number
  •  do not worry that you may be wrong - it is better to discuss your concerns with someone who has the experience to make an assessment

Abuse can take many forms, including:

  • Physical abuse: e.g hitting, shaking, burning or scalding, deliberate poisoning, suffocation or physically harming a child in any other way.
  • Emotional abuse: e.g. telling a child they are worthless or unloved, humiliating them, causing them to feel frightened, or asking them to do something that is not reasonable for their age.
  • Sexual abuse: e.g. encouraging or forcing a child to take part in inappropriate sexual acts. This can involve physical contact or showing pornographic material to a child.
  • Neglect: e.g. failure to provide enough food, warmth, safety, medical attention, education or mental stimulation.
  • Child Exploitation: e.g. using a child for financial gain, sexual gratification, labour or personal advantage.

For further information please contact:

Child Care Assessment Team


Social Care Out of Hours Team: 0345 601 5522

Police: 101 (999 in an emergency)

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

ID: 1808, revised 20/10/2023