Welsh in Education Strategic Plan

Outcome 6

An increase in the provision of Welsh-medium education for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) (in accordance with the duties imposed by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018

Where are we now:

There is limited, anecdotal feedback from primary and secondary schools which suggests that some parents / carers of children with more complex SEN or ALN are likely to opt to send their children to an English medium primary school due to the lack of Learning Resource Centre (LRC) or specialist provision within Welsh medium education. However, our LRCs predominantly support children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and speech and language difficulties and the prevalence of first language Welsh speakers in this group of children is very low, and needs can currently be met with inclusive support which is preferable under the new Code.  It is possible that the perceived number of learners with SEN or ALN in Welsh medium schools may be under represented as parents may have already opted for English medium provision where the continuum of support is greater, but currently there is no strong evidence of this.

What we will do:

The council aspires to increase Welsh medium provision in Pembrokeshire, and to ensure that ALN education meets demand in view of the linguistic make-up of our schools where there has been an increase of pupils accessing Welsh medium Education from 3-18.  We will also ensure there is support at 0-25 in line with the requirements of the new Code.

Furthermore the ALNET Act 2018 places a duty on the Local Authority to continue to review the ALN provision across all settings including the provision for Welsh medium learners.  We will therefore:

  • undertake a biannual audit of the SEN or ALN of Welsh Medium learners to inform the level of need for specialist Welsh medium provision.
  • implement the outcome of the audit of the SEN or ALN for Welsh medium learners, including undertaking any necessary consultation processes if there is a requirement to develop a specialist provision.
  • continue to monitor and review the provision in line with emerging need during the first five years of the WESP.
  • invest in professional development to support a bi-lingual LRC provision to support learners whose first language or parental preference is for Welsh medium provision.
  • continue to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to ensure all learners with SEN or ALN or emerging needs can access support from the Council’s mainstream schools, special schools and advisory services through the medium of Welsh to ensure we comply with the ALNET Act 2018 and ensure we offer a bilingual system for ALN learners.

The Council will take all necessary steps to comply with the ALNET Act in providing a bilingual system of ALN provision and will endeavour to provide sufficient SEN or ALN provision for leaners who request it through the medium of Welsh along with a workforce of sufficient size and capability during the lifespan of this WESP.

We have specific targets:

  • To increase capacity to support Welsh speaking pupils within LRCs to ensure they are able to transition from and back to Welsh medium settings by having more Welsh speaking staff within these settings.
  • Increase the number of staff who can work through the medium of Welsh to support our pupils from 3 to 18 working in conjunction with Health & Social Care.
  • To ensure that ALN provision within the Welsh medium sector matches the emerging need.
  • To ensure effective Welsh medium provision is maintained as pupils transition between phases, especially between primary and secondary. This will require a strategic overview of workforce linguistic skills in both the primary and secondary sector.
  • To ensure that curriculum provision and resources cater effectively for persons with ALN, with specific consideration given to parity, ensuring appropriate and equivalent Welsh Medium provision to that accessible by mainstream pupils.
  • To ensure provision is available for correspondence, appeals, meetings etc. to be conducted through the medium of Welsh if requested. Consideration should be given to ensuring membership of all ALN related panels and the capacity to engage with parents through the medium of Welsh


ID: 9010, revised 24/09/2024