Welsh in Education Strategic Plan

Outcome 3

More children continue to improve their Welsh language skills when transferring from one stage of their statutory education to another

Where are we now

Retention of Pupils

  • We recognise that one of the key aspects to successful Welsh medium provision is the retention and progression of pupils from one year group/phase to the next. Progression between year groups in the primary phase is good; we have no separate infant/junior schools which might affect this transition. However, the progression between primary and secondary phases is variable and which is exacerbated by parental preference for English medium secondary provision, or secondary provision in neighbouring local authorities. 
  • In 2020, of a year 6 cohort of 210 pupils in the Preseli and Ysgol Caer Elen clusters, some 44 pupils (21%) opted for secondary provision at other Pembrokeshire English medium schools or attended schools in neighbouring authorities offering less Welsh medium provision than available in their local secondary schools.
  • The situation in Ysgol Bro Gwaun is of particular concern; in 2020, of a year 6 cohort of 63 pupils having received Welsh medium education in feeder primary schools, only 21 progressed to Welsh medium secondary provision at Ysgol Bro Gwaun. This may be partly affected by the pandemic, but the reduction in numbers was similar in the two previous years also.

WM provision in schools providing education through Welsh and English

  • Currently, there are three primary Dual Stream schools in Fishguard, Narberth and Pembroke. In relation to the latter, the Council has approved a proposal to establish a new stand-alone Welsh medium primary school.
  • One primary school has Transitional (TR) status, this being Ysgol Croesgoch. A statutory proposal to change the language category of the latter has been completed and the school will become fully Welsh medium over the next few years.
  • We have two primary schools/phases, and one secondary school which have English with Significant Use of Welsh (EW) status. These are Holy Name Catholic School in Fishguard, the primary phase of Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi in St David’s, and Ysgol Bro Gwaun.

Collaboration with other Local Authorities

The Local Authority has a good collaborative relationship with neighbouring Local Authorities. Where schools are closely geographically located to neighbouring Local Authorities efforts are made to liaise and retain pupils within the Local Authority. However, retention rates from Welsh medium primary settings to Welsh medium secondary provision is variable. Numbers of pupils that transfer from Welsh Medium primary settings to secondary settings in neighbouring Local Authorities is also an increasingly emerging issue.

What we will do:

Retention of Pupils

  • In accordance with our key principles, all pupils following Welsh medium provision in the primary phase will be expected to continue to such provision in subsequent secondary school phases. Following undertaking a period of research to understand parental preference in this area, the local authority will prepare a specific policy which will outline this expectation and this will be shared with parents as part of the Council’s school admissions arrangements. Schools will be expected to promote this policy in their dealings with parents.
  • We recognise that the retention of learners between year groups and transition stages is particularly important. We also recognise that school cluster relationships are key in this regard as we would wish to see parents having a clear understanding of the expected path between early years setting, primary school/phase and secondary school/phase.  We will therefore encourage schools to foster strong links with parents so that transitions follow the expected path in order to maximise the continuation of learners taught through the medium of Welsh. We will undertake specific research to better understand parental preference when transferring from one phase to another.
  • We will undertake a specific review of provision in the Fishguard area with a view to significantly increase the extent of Welsh medium provision in both primary and secondary sectors. This will address the significant loss of pupils in the transition between the two sectors.

WM provision in schools providing education through Welsh and English

  • Our target in relation to the expected increase of the amount of Welsh medium education provided in schools which provide education through the medium of both English and Welsh is set out in the following points.
  • We are confident that the school currently in the TR category will move to becoming fully Welsh medium during the first half of the duration of the WESP;
  • Along with the primary schools/phases currently classed as EW, the Council will need to consider their position in light of Welsh Government’s new linguistic categories. The Council will make every effort to maintain or increase the Welsh provision at these schools and will do so having undertaken a detailed assessment of schools’ individual positions and the views of governing bodies. In relation to Ysgol Bro Gwaun, there is an aspiration for the school to become a Welsh Medium school during the lifetime of the WESP.
  • In order to effect this, the Council will provide effective guidance, resources and support to Ysgol Bro Gwaun in order to increase the amount of Welsh medium education it offers. The Council will do this by:
    • Continuing and further developing the existing cross-phase linguistic development strategy aimed at supporting ‘latecomers’ to learn Welsh;
    • Supporting schools that have partnership agreements with Initial Teacher Training (ITT) institutions to further strengthen and establish their capacity to support the training of high quality welsh speaking teachers across many subject areas and allow ITT students to participate in Primary and Secondary based training. In light of these partnerships, this will lead to the promotion of effective recruitment;
    • Ysgol Bro Gwaun will regularly review its curriculum offer at Key Stage 4, with a view to providing increased opportunities for pupils to study subjects through the medium of Welsh. The school will establish a consistent baseline offer whereby at least 40% of the subjects available at KS4 can be taken through the medium of Welsh, and that at least 40% of learners follow three subject areas through the medium of Welsh up to the age of 16. Over the period of the WESP, and in conjunction with the local authority, the school will look to transition from category 2 to category 3 as defined in the proposed linguistic categories.
    • To take due consideration of the re-categorisation of primary feeder schools to WM status, and ensure that an appropriate Welsh medium curriculum is in place at KS3 to ensure effective transition and continuation of primary provision.

Collaboration with other Local Authorities

The Council will continue to liaise and collaborate with other neighbouring Local Authorities to ensure continuity in provision for pupils accessing Welsh Medium education outside its area. However, the continuity in provision within the Local Authority is the priority for the duration of this plan. 




ID: 9007, revised 24/09/2024