Waste Collections

Kerbside Glass Collections

What can I put in the box?

Empty glass bottles and jars of all colours, shapes and sizes. There is no need to remove labels, lids, corks or bottle tops.

What can't I put in the box?

Any type of glass that is not a bottle or jar i.e pyrex containers, drinking glasses, spectacles, window glass, glass ornaments, glass chopping boards or light bulbs

Why can't these items be included?

These items melt at a different temperature to glass bottles and jars. If they get mixed up and collected, they will contaminate the load making it useless and unable to be recycled. 

How can I dispose of the items that can't go in my box, without them being sent to landfill?

They can be taken to your closest Civic Amenity and Recycling Centre and disposed of in special containers. Alternatively, most of these items can be donated to your local charity shop providing they are in good condition and spectacles can be taken into most opticians.

Where can I keep my box?

The drain holes in the box are raised to retain liquid and prevent soiling to floors, should you keep your box indoors. However if you keep your box outside the holes will allow the controlled release of rainwater.  

Please only put the items listed in your box for collection. If the wrong items are collected and mixed into the load it will not be able to be recycled. Any items that are not suitable for kerbside collection will be left in the box for you to re-sort and dispose of correctly.

What will happen to the collected glass?

The glass will be delivered to Swansea and go for closed loop recycling.  Closed loop recycling means the glass will be recycled back into glass bottles and jars which is the most sustainable way of recycling.


Top tips for recycling your glass

  • Use your glass recycling box on a weekly basis. Overfilling the box makes it heavier and more difficult to handle.
  • Please empty and rinse the bottles and jars to remove any residue
  • Place the bottles and jars loose inside the box
  • Please do not fill your glass recycling box above the rim. Overfilling the box increases the chances of breakages and injury
  • There is no need to remove labels, lids, corks or bottle tops
  • There is no need to separate your glass according to colour

Fascinating facts and figures

  • On average each family in the UK uses 330 glass bottles and jars a year (British Glass).
  • Glass bottles and jars are 100% recyclable and can be used again and again.
  • Glass that is thrown away and sent to landfill will never decompose.
  • Glass dating over 3,000 years old has been found in the Middle East.
  • Using recycled glass in a furnace uses less energy than making new glass from scratch.
  • Recycling two bottles saves enough energy to boil water for five cups of tea.
  • In Britain we use over six billion glass bottles and jars each year. It would take you over three and a half thousand years to sing "Six Billion Green Bottles"! (Waste Watch).

We are looking into the best way to collect glass from large blocks of flats and properties with no accessible kerbside.

For more information, please call our Contact Centre on 01437 764551 or email wastemanagement@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

Nothing should go to waste in Pembrokeshire


ID: 314, revised 20/09/2023