Waste Collections

Garden Waste Collections

Garden Waste Collection Service Subscriptions 2024 

From 01.06.2024 we are temporarily suspending any new garden waste collection subscriptions due to unforeseen circumstances.

Householders can still dispose of their garden waste free of charge at any of the household waste recycling centres.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Should you wish to be added to our waiting list, please email wasteandrecycling@pembrokeshire.gov.uk


Between the 26th February and 29th November 2024, we are offering fortnightly collections of household garden waste.

The cost of this subscription only service is £61.00 per bin. If you subscribe before 1st April 2024 the cost is only £56.00 per bin.

The service is available to households and businesses. If any businesses would like to subscribe to the service, in line with our new trade waste tariff structure, the cost to existing Pembrokeshire County Council trade waste customers will be £100.00 per bin.  For any non-Pembrokeshire County Council trade waste customers, or current customers not renewing their Trade Waste Agreement for 2024/25, the cost will be £100.00 per bin + £30.00 annual Duty of Care charge.

If you would like to continue to subscribe to the garden waste service, please contact our trade waste service at tradewaste@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or, alternatively, please call 01437 764551 where a member of the trade waste team will be able to renew your subscription, take a card payment over the telephone and issue you with a valid controlled waste transfer note to cover your garden waste collection.

We reserve the right to decide whether or not we can provide the garden waste collection service.

Subscribe or Renew

By managing your subscription online you can also cancel your subscription at any time

Terms and Conditions


Frequently asked questions

Do I need to do anything if I don’t want to renew my subscription this year?

Yes, if you don’t want to renew your subscription please let us know so that we can collect your bin. I do not want to renew my subscription.

I have garden waste to dispose of but do not want to sign up to the collection service - what can I do with it?

You can:

What materials can be disposed of through the scheme?

The permitted materials are: hedge, tree and shrub cuttings, roots, grass cuttings and rakings, leaves, plants, flowers and weeds.

What happens to the collected material?

The garden waste is taken to a centralised composting facility where it is treated and turned into compost for use on the land.

But I have a compost bin. Does this mean you want me to get rid of that?

No, not at all. Composting is the preferred method of disposing of your garden waste. It doesn’t cost any money and it is much better for the environment. If you have a compost bin, keep using it.

Why do I have to pay for a collection?

Garden waste is a household waste for which a collection charge can be made. The service is paid for by everyone who subscribes. This is fairer for other residents who do not have a garden, who choose to compost at home, or who do not want to use the service. 

Why are you using wheeled bins instead of bags?

Bags tend to be easily ripped and are more difficult to handle whilst wheeled bins hold more garden waste and are easier and safer to use by you and for our waste operatives

If you are supplying us with wheeled bins for garden waste why don’t you supply us with wheeled bins for our general refuse?

There would be increased operational costs as removing waste from wheeled bins is more time consuming and more waste tends to be generated. There would also be the increased costs in providing the wheeled bins and modifying vehicles.

I haven’t got any space for a wheeled bin so, what can I do?

It may be possible to be issued with 2 smaller bins in place of 1 larger bin, please contact us on 01437 764551 to discuss this.

Perhaps you could join forces with a neighbour who has more space to house the wheeled bin. By doing this, you will still benefit from the service and save money by sharing the cost. If this isn’t possible please contact us on 01437 764551 so we carry out a container assessment and if necessary provide an alternative.

I can’t handle a wheeled bin so, what can I do?

Please contact us on 01437 764551 so we can carry out a container assessment and if necessary provide an alternative.

Are all properties suitable for this service?

Some properties may not be suitable for this service due to restricted access for our collection vehicles. We reserve the right to decide whether or not we can provide the garden waste collection service.

Can I use my own bin?

No, we know the supplied bins are of a good quality and can withstand the pressure of lifting and emptying into our vehicles. We cannot risk the safety of our operatives by asking them to empty other bins.

Will I be issued with a brand new bin?

Bins returned from previous customers are reused. New customers will not necessarily be issued a new bin, there may be some evidence of wear and tear.

How long does my subscription last for?

All subscriptions will run annually with collections taking place from the week in which 1st March falls to the week in which 30th November falls inclusive. The full fee is payable at whatever point in the year you subscribe or even if you only need a few collections.

Can I have more than one bin?

Yes, as long as you pay the annual charge for the collection service for each bin you can have as many bins as you like.

How do I renew my subscription?

We will email or write to you before your subscription is due for renewal but if you have any queries telephone the Contact Centre on 01437 764551

You can renew or cancel your subscription online via ‘My Account’ - Your Online Council Account and go to ‘My Services’.

What happens if I don’t pay for the following year and my subscription runs out?

If payment is not received, collections will be suspended and the bin will be removed

If I cancel my subscription will I be eligible for a refund?

We will not be able to offer any refunds although should you wish to cancel the subscription you can do so via MyAccount or just telephone the Contact Centre on 01437 764551 and we will terminate the service with immediate effect.

We will arrange to collect your garden waste bin.

If I do not renew my subscription will I get to keep my bin?

No, you will need to let us know if you don’t want to renew your subscription (or you wish to cancel) and we will arrange to collect your bin.

Are there any concessions?

No concessions are available for this service

When will the service start?

Your service will start with the delivery of your bin which we aim to deliver within 21 days of receiving your payment. However, this may not be possible in busy periods, such as the start of the new subscription year, due to high demand. A refund will not be provided if we fail to deliver in 21 days

How often will my bin be collected?

Your garden waste will be collected fortnightly between the week in which the 1st March falls and the week in which the 30th November falls inclusive

When will my collection day be?

We will notify you of your collection day, when we deliver your bin.

Collections will be made fortnightly. You can also enter your post code or street name into 'Services in your area' to find out your collection day and week.

Did you know you can subscribe to receive an email reminder the day before your collection?

Sign up for collection reminders via ‘My Account’ and go to ‘My Services’.

Information on how to sign up for reminder notifications.

Where should I leave my bin for collection?

Your bin(s) should be placed at your usual collection point at the kerbside by 6:30 am on the day of your collection.

What time will my collection be?

Your collection time will be from 6:30am onwards. We reserve the right to change the time we collect at any point therefore bins must always be out by 6:30am.

My bin hasn’t been collected. What can I do now?

Check to make sure the bin was due to be collected. Check the items you have placed in the bin are on our list of permitted materials and that you have not compacted too much into the bin so that it can’t be emptied. Remove contaminants and or loosen the contents and put out for next scheduled emptying. If the bin was due for collection, was not contaminated and was out before 6:30am in the correct location, please call our Contact Centre on 01437 764551.

How much garden waste will the bin hold?

As an example, the bin will hold the equivalent of approximately five standard refuse sacks when filled approximately 2⁄3 full and tied for collection. However you must not use sacks in the bin, items must be loose. When we empty your wheeled bin we put it onto a bin lift which shakes the bin to loosen the waste into the refuse freighter. If the garden waste is too compacted in the bin we need to excessively shake it on the lift which can damage the bin. Only put the items listed in your bin. If in doubt, don’t put it in and phone the Contact Centre on 01437 764551 for advice.

If I have extra waste can I put it at the side of the bin?

No, only garden waste within the bin will be collected. 

Will I be able to have help if I subscribe to the garden waste scheme?

Yes, provided it is practicable to do so, we will make arrangements with you for the wheeled bin for garden waste to be collected from your property.

My bin is getting really dirty. Will the Council clean it?

It is your responsibility to clean the bin.

What can I do with my garden waste between December and February?

Garden waste can be home composted or taken to our civic amenity and recycling centres.

Why are there no collections between December and February?

In order to maintain a cost effective service it has been decided not to provide the service during the winter months when little or no garden waste is generated.

I am a business. Can I opt into the scheme?

Yes, the service is now available to businesses. Please contact our Trade Waste Team at tradewaste@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or alternatively, please call 01437 775149.

What happens if I move house?

If you move within Pembrokeshire you may wish to take your bin with you to your new address. Telephone the Contact Centre on 01437 764551 at least 10 working days before you are due to move so that we can make sure your bin gets emptied at your new property. If you move outside the County the bin remains the property of Pembrokeshire County Council. Please telephone the Contact Centre to make arrangements to have it collected.

What if the bin is damaged?

If your bin is damaged by our collectors please let us know by telephoning the Contact Centre on 01437 764551 and we will arrange a replacement. If you have damaged the bin please contact us but please note that you may be liable for the cost of a replacement.

What if the bin goes missing?

If you think your bin is lost or stolen please check with your neighbours and around the local area to see if it has been returned to the wrong place. If it is still missing please call the Contact Centre immediately on 01437 764551 to report it. Please note you may be liable for the cost of replacement if the bin cannot be found.

I am not sure what I can put in my garden waste bin. What should I do?

Please refer to the information leaflet provided when your bin was delivered or check the items listed on the bin. A list is also available on our garden waste website. If still in doubt please don’t put it in the bin until you have called the Contact Centre on 01437 764551 to check.

Like to sign up? We offer a variety of payment methods for your convenience.

  • You can subscribe online via ‘My Account’ and go to ‘My Services’
  • Or you can complete a Direct Debit form to make an annual payment. Forms are available to download online or by calling Pembrokeshire County Council’s Contact Centre on 01437 764551 or you can pick one up at a Customer Service Centre.


You can telephone our Contact Centre on 01437 764551 where you can pay by card over the phone.

Once your application has been processed we will aim to deliver your bin within 21 days together with your collection calendar.


Terms and Conditions

Please take time to read these terms and conditions as they form part of our agreement with you

  1. Collections will take place fortnightly between the week in which the 1st March and the week in which 30th November fall. (including Bank and Public Holidays)
  2. The service is available to Pembrokeshire County Council households and businesses. Neighbours may share a bin however the bin is only registered to one address and collected from that address. The payment for the service is annually in advance and is non refundable under any circumstance.
  3. The garden waste bin(s) remain the property of Pembrokeshire County Council and must only be used for garden waste and must not be defaced or inscribed in any way. Damaged or stolen bin(s) must be reported immediately and a charge may be incurred for the repair or replacement.
  4. Bin(s) should be stored on the householder’s own property and on collection day left in an accessible, unobstructed position at your usual collection point at the kerbside, and returned to the property as soon as possible after collection. We reserve the right to change collection times so bin(s) must always be out by 6.30am. 
  5. The service is non-transferrable from one resident to another. On change of address the service will be transferred to the new address if within Pembrokeshire. If moving out of the County, the Council must be informed and the bin(s) presented for removal.
  6. Bins too heavy for safe handling or unsafe for the lift mechanism will not be emptied. The householder must remove the excess weight and re-present the bin for the next scheduled collection.
  7.  Only permitted items may be disposed of and must be loose in the bin(s) and not contained in bags. Garden waste bin(s) contaminated with non-permitted items will not be collected until the items are removed and the bin presented for the next scheduled collection
  8. If bin(s) is/are regularly contaminated further advice will be provided. If contamination continues, the bin(s) will be removed and collections will cease.
  9. All garden waste must be contained within the bin(s) provided. Garden waste not contained in Pembrokeshire County Council’s garden waste bin(s) will not be collected.
  10. Properties with restricted access may not be suitable to receive this service. We will assess your property and if it is not suitable we will advise you of other options available.
  11. The Authority accepts no liability for injury due to improper use of the bin.
  12. An assisted collection service is available for those residents eligible for an assisted refuse and recycling collection providing it is practicable to do so.
  13. We may enter your premises to remove a bin(s) if payment is not received.
  14. We aim to deliver new bins within 21 days but this may not be possible during busy periods. Renewals of the service can take 3 working days to process, collections will not start until the process is completed. A refund will not be provided if we fail to deliver in 21 days.
  15. Bins returned from previous customers are reused. New customers will not necessarily be issued a new bin, there may be some evidence of wear and tear.


ID: 310, revised 19/07/2024