Temporary Event Notices

Who can Apply?

  • A TEN can be submitted by any person aged 18 or over, but cannot be submitted by a business or organisation.
  • The person submitting the notice is ‘the premises user'.
  • Any person who holds a personal licence under the Licensing Act 2003 may submit up to 50 TENs in any calendar year, up to 10 of which may be ‘late' TENs.
  • Any person not holding a valid personal licence are restricted to submitting 5 TENs in any calendar year, up to 2 of which may be late TENs.
  • Standard and late TENs, in any combination, count towards these overall total limits for TENs.
  • A TEN which relates to an event taking place within 2 calendar years counts against the limits for that individual in respect of both calendar years.
  • A maximum of 15 TENs can be given in relation to the same premises in any calendar year (applicable from 1 January 2016).
  • A premises can be used for activities authorised by TENs for no more than 21 days in any calendar year.

Please note that a spouse, civil partner, family member such as child, parent, grandchild, grandparent or sibling, an agent or employee are defined as associates for the purposes of the permitted number of TENs.  A TEN submitted in the name of any of these associates will count towards a premises user's permitted number.

ID: 2045, revised 01/02/2023