Temporary Event Notices

How do I apply for a TEN?

Temporary Event Notice Application Form

A TEN costs £21.00 and you must submit the notice at least 10 clear working days before the event - please see information for late TENs. 

The 10 days do not include the day the notice is received, the first day of the event, Bank Holidays or weekends.

Please ensure you read the TEN guidance notes before submitting the application as the Licensing Department will not refund the fee of invalid or rejected applications.

A TEN must include the following information: -

  • The licensable activities that are to be carried out.
  • The total length of the event (not over 168 hours).
  • The times during the event that the licensable activities are to be carried out.
  • The maximum number of people allowed on the premises at any one time (no more than 499) (please see definition of audience).
  • Whether any alcohol sales are to be made for consumption on or off the premises (or both). All sales of alcohol must be made by, or under the authority, of the person submitting the Notice.
  • Any other matters prescribed by the Secretary of State

There can only be one Temporary Event Notice per form. Multiple notices on the same form cannot be considered.

In the case of an event taking place on a field or parcel of land, the notice must detail the exact OS reference. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the notice.

You can submit a TEN in the following ways:-

By post:

Please post your completed TEN to the Licensing Department.  A fee of £21.00 must accompany the TEN, cheques should be made payable to Pembrokeshire County Council.  Cash must not be sent through the post.

Pembrokeshire County Council
Licensing Department
Public Protection Division
County Hall
SA61 1TP

E mail: licensing@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

You must also send a copy of your application to the Police and Pollution Control at the addresses below:

Dyfed Powys Police
Police Licensing Officer
Haverfordwest Police Station
Merlins Hill
SA61 1PE

Pembrokeshire County Council
Pollution Control
Public Protection Division
County Hall
SA61 1TP

E mail pollution.control@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

By email:

A TEN can be sent by email to the Licensing Department at licensing@pembrokeshire.gov.uk.  The Licensing Team will then forward the TEN to Dyfed Powys Police and Pembrokeshire County Council's Pollution Control Team by the end of the working day.

The fee of £21 is payable to Pembrokeshire County Council and is to be paid at the time of application - the application will not be dealt with until the fee has been paid. 

ID: 2050, revised 08/02/2023