Temporary Event Notices

Can I appeal?

An appeal process is available to the premises user, the Police and Pollution Control, if they are not satisfied with the decision of the Licensing Sub-committee.

Any appeal must be lodged at the local Magistrates' Court within 21 days of the date the hearing decision was made.  However, no appeal may be brought later than five working day before the first day of the event.

If  you have a complaint about the way your temporary event notice was processed, please contact the Licensing Team in the first instance.

The Definition of Audience

For the purposes of regulated entertainment, the term "audience" refers to any person for whose entertainment (at least in part) any licensable activities are provided. An audience member need not be, or want to be, entertained: what matters is that an audience is present and that the purpose of the licensable activity is (at least in part) intended to entertain any person present. The audience will not include performers, together with any person who contributes technical skills in substantial support of a performer (for example, a sound engineer or stage technician), during any associated activities. This includes setting up before the entertainment, reasonable breaks (including intervals) between activities and packing up thereafter. Similarly, security staff and bar workers will not form part of the audience while undertaking their duties, which include reasonable breaks.

Any person submitting a Temporary Event Notice must ensure that audiences do not grow or migrate so that the audience exceeds the relevant limit for any one performance or event at any time.

ID: 2055, revised 01/02/2023