Road Maintenance

You can expect

  • all carriageways and footways will be inspected on a regular basis to check for defects (as per table below);
  • emergency defects, such as missing manhole covers, will be made safe within 4 hours;
  • other defects will be corrected as resources permit and according to priority;
  • safety inspections to be carried out as per tables below:


Inspection checks for defects



Class A 6 months
Class B 6 months
Minor roads 6 months
Estates (no through roads)      12 months   


Inspection checks for defects



Main shopping                  3 months
Busy urban 3 months
Other urban 6 months
Estates 12 months


  • Highway verges outside urban areas will be cut once a year, in July/August. Before and after this time we will make additional cuts for safety purposes as necessary
  • Emergency sweeping will be carried out after accidents, storms and during Autumn leaf-fall only;
  • Highway drainage systems will be maintained to ensure that water is effectively carried away from highway surfaces;
  • Gullies and associated pipework will be emptied and flushed once a year. Ditches will be cleaned out as required. Floods in the highway will be alleviated as soon as practicable, priority depending on severity and potential threat to property;
  • Signs and road markings will be replaced and cleaned as necessary, priority depending on location and type (whether statutory, informatory or directional);
  • Pre-salting of defined priority routes will be carried out when frost, ice or snow are forecast, together with post-salting or ploughing of affected routes as necessary according to severity of conditions;
  • Planned pre -salting of Trunk Roads will be completed within 2 hours and County Roads within 3 hours of start. Emergency call-out response time is one hour prior to start of salting.
ID: 753, revised 22/09/2022