Road Maintenance

Emergency Planning

What is Emergency Planning?

Accidents, whether human or natural, occur from time to time. They can occur on a small or large scale.  They may be caused by or include severe weather, widespread infectious diseases of humans or animals, a transport disaster, a pollution incident, coastal flooding, disruption to essential services or a terrorist attack.

The aim of the Emergency Planning Unit is to assess the threats and risks to Pembrokeshire and plan for response and recovery, should an incident occur. The ultimate objective is to minimise the impact of disaster on the day-to-day lives of the community, particularly for the most vulnerable and the environment, and to assist the return to normality.

To prepare for emergencies the emergency Planning unit will:

  • Undertake risk assessments with other responding agencies
  • Put in place plans and procedures to enable Pembrokeshire County Council to respond, as effectively as possible, to an emergency should one occur
  • Ensure our emergency plans and procedures fit in with those of all the other response agencies, such as the emergency services, hospitals, utility companies, voluntary agencies and the armed forces
  • Train and exercise responders on plans and procedures
  • Maintain the Community Risk Register
  • Assist in making arrangements for warning and informing the public about emergencies
  • Assist with business continuity promotion to local businesses
  • Assist the Council in making business continuity arrangements
  • Liaise with and contribute to the Dyfed Powys Local Resilience Forum

In response to emergencies Pembrokeshire County Council will:

  • Support the emergency services
  • Provide care to the local and wider community
  • Provide information to the public
  • Use available resources to mitigate the effects of incident
  • Co-ordinate the response of voluntary and other supporting agencies
  • Take the lead in the recovery phase of an emergency

Who's who & how to contact us

Richard Brown
Head of Environment and Civil Contingencies

Steve Jones
Senior Emergency Planning Officer

Pauline Louchart
Emergency Planning Officer

Emergency Planning Unit
Pembrokeshire County Council
Unit 26 Thornton Business Park
Milford Haven
SA73 2RR

Tel 01437 775661

ID: 172, revised 25/03/2022