Road Maintenance

Road Maintenance

You can expect:

  • all carriageways and footways will be inspected on a regular basis to check for defects (as per tables below);
  • emergency defects, such as missing manhole covers, will be made safe within 4 hours;
  • other defects will be corrected as resources permit and according to priority;
  • safety inspections to be carried out as per tables below:


Inspection checks for defects



Class A 6 months
Class B 6 months
Minor roads 6 months
Estates (no through roads)       12 months


Inspection checks for defects



Main shopping                        3 months
Busy urban 3 months
Other urban 6 months
Estates 12 months


  • Highway verges outside urban areas will be cut once a year, in July/August. Before and after this time we will make additional cuts for safety purposes as necessary
  • Emergency sweeping will be carried out after accidents, storms and during Autumn leaf-fall only;
  • Highway drainage systems will be maintained to ensure that water is effectively carried away from highway surfaces;
  • Gullies and associated pipework will be emptied and flushed once a year. Ditches will be cleaned out as required. Floods in the highway will be alleviated as soon as practicable, priority depending on severity and potential threat to property;
  • Signs and road markings will be replaced and cleaned as necessary, priority depending on location and type (whether statutory, informatory or directional);
  • Pre-salting of defined priority routes will be carried out when frost, ice or snow are forecast, together with post-salting or ploughing of affected routes as necessary according to severity of conditions;
  • Planned pre -salting of Trunk Roads will be completed within 2 hours and County Roads within 3 hours of start. Emergency call-out response time is one hour prior to start of salting.

Did you know?

  • Our primary function is to maintain and preserve the County Highway infrastructure so that it is structurally sound and provides safe passage for all its users.
  • We are responsible for 2,431 kilometres of County Roads, of which 495 km are urban and 1956 km are rural. There are also 120 km of trunk roads within Pembrokeshire, and these are maintained by the South Wales Trunk Road Agency (SWTRA) and the Mid Wales Trunk Road Agency (MWTRA) as agents for the Welsh Assembly Government.
  • If all the County roads were laid end to end they would stretch from Haverfordwest to St Petersburg in Russia.
  • Over 4000 tonnes of rock salt are stored in the county for use on the roads and pavements during cold weather.
  • An officer standby system operates out of hours between mid-October and mid-April to ensure rapid response to changes in the forecast.

How you can help us

Whether ringing or writing in, please be specific regarding the nature of the defect or problem and, if appropriate, its location. A rough sketch is always helpful and can save staff time and enable the problem to be identified more quickly. Please report hazards to pedestrians on footways such as broken or missing covers, or obstructions. Please report growth on verges obstructing visibility.

Also, please report problems due to water or potholes on the carriageway.

Who should I contact?

Highway Maintenance
Tel: 01437 764551

ID: 194, revised 22/09/2023