Road Maintenance

Street Cleaning

Pembrokeshire County Council has a statutory duty to keep the streets, highways and car parks clean and free from any debris, foreign matter and litter, as far is practicable, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse 1991.

Street cleaning is carried out both manually and mechanically to provide an economic, efficient and high quality service.

It is delivered at set frequencies within four zones as defined under the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse of the Environmental Protection Act.

The four zones referred to are –

  • Zone 1 - High intensity of use (busy public areas)
  • Zone 2 - Medium intensity of use (‘everyday' areas, including most areas occupied by people most of the time)
  • Zone 3 - Low intensity of use (lightly trafficked areas that do not impact upon most people's lives most of the time
  • Zone 4 - Areas with special circumstances (situations where issues of health and safety and reasonableness and practicability are dominant considerations when undertaking environmental maintenance work)

Your contact is

Pembrokeshire County Council
County Hall
SA61 1TP

Tel: 01437 764551



ID: 212, revised 22/09/2022