Private Housing Enforcement

Tenancy Relations

The private sector housing team provide free and confidential advice on a range of tenancy issues to both private tenants and landlords as follows:

Customers may also be referred to other agencies providing legal services and specialist housing advice including Shelter Cymru and Pembrokeshire Care Society.

Setting up and ending a tenancy

Information and advice is available on assured, shorthold and regulated tenancies and how to follow the correct procedures when seeking possession.

Our responsibilities as a landlord

Advice is available regarding the provision of good quality rented accommodation and the standards that are expected.

How to get repairs carried out

This will depend on the nature and severity of the defect.

If it is a relatively minor problem, we advise tenants to discuss the matter with their landlord directly to try and remain on good terms.

If the defect is considered to be a serious hazard then the landlord will be contacted directly and, if necessary, enforcement action will be taken.

The private sector housing enforcement team will, on request, call at the property to inspect defects and advise accordingly.

Harassment and illegal eviction

The Protection from Eviction Act 1977 makes it a criminal offence for any person to evict a tenant without following the correct procedure.

The Act also makes it a criminal offence for a landlord, agent or any person to harass a tenant.

The private sector housing enforcement team will try and resolve a dispute between the landlord and tenant if appropriate. This may involve advising the landlord on how to seek possession legally, outlining the procedures involved.

If a tenant has been harassed and/or illegally evicted then the Council will consider taking a criminal prosecution.

The tenant and any witnesses will be expected to attend court and give evidence.

If the prosecution is successful, the landlord/agent will face a substantial fine and/or imprisonment.

How to get a deposit back when leaving a tenancy

If a landlord refuses to return a deposit then tenants will be advised to pursue the landlord through the small claims court to recover the monies owed.

Tenancy Deposit Scheme

From 6 April 2007, landlord requiring a deposit will have to conform with one of the Statutory Tenancy Deposit Schemes.

There are two types of scheme:

  1. A single custodial scheme (where deposits will be paid into and held in a separate account, managed by the scheme)
  2. Two insurance based schemes where the landlord/agent will hold the deposit and any failure on his/her part to repay it to the tenant will be covered by the schemes insurance arrangements.

Landlords failing to comply with the schemes will face severe penalties.

How do I find out more?

If you would like to find out more or require any advice, please contact:

Private Sector Housing
01437 764551


ID: 1813, revised 07/02/2023