Private Housing Enforcement

Private Sector Housing Enforcement Team

This section provides information about private housing for owner occupiers, landlords and tenants. It includes advice about improving conditions, houses in multiple occupation, harassment/illegal eviction and bringing empty houses back into use.

The work of the Private Sector Housing Enforcement team is split into the following areas:

Rent Smart Wales

Landlords and agents are now required by law to be registered or licensed. This new law came into force on the 23rd November 2015 and applies to all landlords and agents of private residential property. Failure to comply could incur a fixed penalty notice/fine. Registration and Licences last for a period of 5 years. Applications can be made on-line. Further information can be found: Rent Smart Wales

The scheme is administered by Cardiff Council on behalf of all local authorities in Wales.

ID: 1793, revised 13/09/2022