Private Housing Enforcement

Radon Gas

Pembrokeshire is a radon affected area. These are designated areas of the Country where more than 1% of dwellings have a radon level of 200 becquerels per cubic meter of air.

What is radon gas?

Radon is found in many parts of the UK. It is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which enters dwellings through cracks and fissures within the subsoil. High concentrations of radon gas can be found in some homes. Health studies indicate that there is an increase risk of lung cancer when residents are exposed to high concentrations of radon over a lifetime.

Where a property is found to have higher than expected levels of radon gas it is strongly recommended that remedial works are undertaken to reduce the levels.

The solution can be quite simply but much depends on the radon level and the construction of the property.

What is the action level for radon?

The Health Protection Agency recommends that radon levels should be reduced in homes where the average is more than 200 becquerels per cubic metre. This recommendation has been endorsed by the Government.

Radon risk reports giving an indication of the probability that a dwelling/building has levels of radon above the Action Level, can be purchased online from Ukradon 

Testing for radon gas

The government recommends that people living in a radon affected area test their houses for radon. There is a simple test available and takes 3 months to complete.

If you would like to find our more or require any advice please contact:

Private Sector Housing
01437 764551

ID: 1817, revised 07/02/2023