Overview and Scrutiny

Social Care Committee

The Committee will scrutinise the quality and performance of all Social Care related services delivered by the Council.

The remit and scope of the Committee in relation to Social Care related services is as follows:

  • Adult Care
  • Children’s Services
  • Strategic Joint Commissioning
  • Carers
  • Integrated services and well-being
  • Domiciliary Care
  • Work with the Third Sector
  • Compliance with the Social Services and Well-being Act
  • West Wales Care Partnership
  • Regional Safeguarding
  • Regional Fostering
  • Regional Adoption

The Committee has 13 members and will meet at least five times per year. Details of Committee members and future meetings, along with the Committee Work Programme, can be found below.

Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee


4 June 2024

  • Item: Social Care Review Working Group
  • Purpose: Update as available 
  • Item: Visits to third sector provision including Care Farms
  • Purpose: Update as visits take place
  • Item: Collaboration between PCC and Hywel Dda Health Board Dda
  • Purpose: An update of the work that has progressed between the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Safeguarding, the Director of Social Care and Housing and the Health Board.
  • Item: Pembrokeshire Community Health Council (CHC) 
  • Purpose: Update and feedback from the CHC together with a representative
  • Item: Leaving Hospital and Pathway care
  • Purpose: To fully appreciate and understand the discharge home process and lessons learnt from Operation Nightingale
  • Item: Working with the 3rd Sector  
  • Purpose: To understand and consider 3rd Sector provision.
  • Item: Shared Lives Initiative
  • Purpose: To present the project plan and the work of the Shared Lives Initiative and the working group.
  • Item: Citizens Advice Bureau 
  • Purpose: To present an update of the work of the Citizens Advice Bureau.
  • Item: Regional Partnership Ceremony
  • Purpose: To present a report on the Ceremony
  • Item: Corporate Risk Register and Corporate Score Card
  • Purpose: To be reviewed and for areas for scrutiny to be identified.



3 October 2024

  • Item: Social Care Review Working Group
  • Purpose: Update as available 
  • Item: Visits to third sector provision including Care Farms
  • Purpose: Update as visits take place
  • Item: Review of Children’s residential placements – to include Children’s Out of County Placements
  • Purpose: Referral from Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Item: Audit Wales 'Time for Change Poverty in Wales' report
  • Purpose: Referral from Governance and Audit Committee 
  • Item: Care for Vulnerable Younger Adults
  • Purpose: To understand what support is provided/required.
  • Item: Children in Care post 16 support
  • Purpose: To understand what support is provided/required.
  • Item: Safeguarding
  • Purpose: To have ongoing scrutiny and oversight to ensure that adequate measures are in place to comply with our statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults – To include the Governors support on safeguarding in Education (Bi-annual update).



7 November 2024

  • Item: Social Care Review Working Group
  • Purpose: Update as available 
  • Item: Visits to third sector provision including Care Farms
  • Purpose: Update as visits take place
  • Item: Director of Social Care Directors Report
  • Purpose: Statutory Directors Report for Social Services to present the report following presentation to Cabinet.
  • Item: Joint working with Young Carers and Adult Carers
  • Purpose: To understand what support is provided/required to support Young Carers and Adult Carers and the transition that is required.
  • Item: Update from the West Wales Regional Partnership Board
  • Purpose: Performance and delivery of the schemes funded via the Regional Integration Fund (RIF)
  • Item: Transitioning to new services including Portfield, Meadow Park etc.
  • Purpose: An update on the new services and the transition.

January 2025

  • Item: Social Care Review Working Group
  • Purpose: Update as available 
  • Item: Visits to third sector provision including Care Farms
  • Purpose: Update as visits take place
  • Item: Poverty
  • Purpose: To obtain an overall understanding of the scale of poverty within the County and how the Authority can support the Social Care Service.
  • Item: Homelessness
  • Purpose: To understand the scale of homelessness within the County and what is being done and what can be done.
  • Item: Mental Health Issues
  • Purpose: To receive an update on the support provided for Mental Health Issues and what more is required.
  • Item: Children’s Services
  • Purpose: Update on the work of the Children’s Services 
ID: 549, revised 01/07/2024