Overview and Scrutiny

Policy & Pre-decision Committee

The role of the Policy and Pre-decision Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to review and scrutinise policies, plans and strategies prior to decision by Cabinet.

The Committee will undertake pre-decision scrutiny or order to contribute to the quality and robustness of Cabinet decision-making. A further function of the Committee is to ensure that Cabinet decision making is compliant with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and takes account of the ‘sustainable development' principle and 5 ways of working (long term, preventative, involving, collaborative and integrated) as well as other statutory requirements as appropriate (e.g. Equality Act 2010). It will also ensure non-executive Member involvement in the Council’s budget policy and planning framework through a standing Finance Panel.

The remit and scope of the Committee is as follows:

  • Cabinet forward work programme
  • Proposals for service changes, transformation and / or efficiencies
  • Integrated Impact Assessments
  • Strategies and plans, as appropriate
  • Development of and planning for annual budget and Council Tax proposals through the Finance Panel

The Committee has 13 members and will meet at least five times per year. Details of Committee members and future meetings, along with the Committee Work Programme can be found via the links below. 

Policy & Pre-decision Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme 

Policy and Pre decision overview and scrutiny committee 


9 April 2024

  • Item: Choice Homes Allocations Policy review
  • Purpose: To review the Choice Homes Allocations Policy
  • Item: Introduction of Overnight Stops for Motorhomes / Camper Vans in Off Street Parking Places (Car Parks) - 'Pembs Stop' Trial Scheme
  • Purpose: Following the approval by Cabinet of the report, the Committee will look at the Introduction of Overnight Stops for Motorhomes / Camper Vans in Off Street Parking Places (Car Parks) - 'Pembs Stop' Trial Scheme

11 June 2024

  • Item: update on work streams feeding into the Transport plan
  • Purpose: To receive an update on work streams feeding into the development of a Transport plan (to include regional working and shared use paths data) 
  • Item: WRC Review
  • Purpose: Following the referral from Full Council In March 2024, the Committee will review the future provision of waste recycling centres
  • Item: County Farms Working Group Update
  • Purpose: An update on the work carried out by the reinstated County Farms Working Group since its reinstatement in May 2023


12 November 2024

  • Item: Housing Rent Setting and Service Charges Policy 2025-2026
  • Purpose: The report on setting house rent for 2025/26


January 2025

  • Item: Pembrokeshire Affordable Housing Scheme
  • Purpose: Report on the housing scheme
ID: 548, revised 08/05/2024