Overview and Scrutiny

Services Committee

The role of the Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to review and scrutinise public facing services delivered by the Council, with the exception of those within the remit of the Schools and Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Committee will scrutinise the quality and performance of these services.

The remit and scope of the Committee in relation to Council services, and divisions within these services, is as follows:

  • Infrastructure
  • Environment and Civil Contingencies
  • Housing
  • Building Maintenance
  • Planning
  • Property
  • Public Protection
  • Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Cultural Services
  • Leisure Services
  • Revenues and Benefits

The Committee has 13 members and will meet at least five times per year. Details of Committee members and future meetings, along with the Committee Work Programme can be found via the links below. 

Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme

Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


26 March 2024

  • Item: Decarbonisation of the Council Housing Stock
  • Purpose: Referral from Governance and Audit Committee – agreed in September 2023
    The effect that the financial challenges in meeting the requirements of the Council Housing Stock Decarbonisation for further consideration as a priority; and that the Committee look at the wider impact of decarbonisation agenda on the Authority thereafter.
  • Item: Enviro-Crime Enforcement update 
  • Purpose: Update report
  • Item: Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership  
  • Purpose: To scrutinise the work of the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership – to provide an annual update 
  • Item: Performance update on PCC Bus company and school transport acquisition
  • Purpose: To scrutinise the business case and ongoing performance following the purchase – to provide an annual update 


13 June 2024

  • Item: Housing, Building Maintenance Service 
  • Update: Annual update
  • Item: Service Performance Data
  • Update: To provide the Committee with Service Performance Data including Disabled Facilities Grants 
  • Item: Planning Service update regarding phosphates issues 
  • Update: Update report 
  • Item: Strategic Asset Management Group (SAMG)
  • Update: Update report 
ID: 547, revised 08/05/2024