Overview and Scrutiny
Services Committee
The role of the Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to review and scrutinise public facing services delivered by the Council, with the exception of those within the remit of the Schools and Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Committee will scrutinise the quality and performance of these services.
The remit and scope of the Committee in relation to Council services, and divisions within these services, is as follows:
- Infrastructure
- Environment and Civil Contingencies
- Housing
- Building Maintenance
- Planning
- Property
- Public Protection
- Economic Development and Regeneration
- Cultural Services
- Leisure Services
- Revenues and Benefits
The Committee has 13 members and will meet at least five times per year. Details of Committee members and future meetings, along with the Committee Work Programme can be found via the links below.
Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme
Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
January 2025
- Item: Outline Draft County Council Budget 2025-26 and Outline Draft Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2025-26 to 2028-29
- Purpose: To scrutinise proposals for the Council’s budget and Council Tax levels for 2025-26
- Item: Leisure and library Services
- Purpose: A report to present the usage per site including leisure centres and libraries
- Item: Property Service
- Purpose: Monitoring Report on implementation of Audit Wales review recommendations/action plan – 3 month review from June 2023 – deferred from 14 November 2023.
- Item: Forward Work Programme and Risk Register Review
- Purpose: To provide a review of the last 12 months and to inform the FWP for the next 12 months
- Item: Delivery of the Planning Service
- Purpose: Update report on the Planning department including time scales, jobs completed, Covid effects, enforcement, planning applications
- Item: Planning Service update regarding phosphates issues
- Purpose: Update report – last reviewed June 2023
- Item: Public and Highways Maintenance
- Purpose: Report on a wider review of highway maintenance.
March 2025
- Item: Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership
- Purpose: To scrutinise the work of the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership – to provide an annual update – last reviewed March 2023
- Item: Havens Head and Lower Priory Flooding – Site Visit
- Purpose: To provide an updates as available on the progress of works and findings of the site visit
- Item: Haverfordwest Airport
- Purpose: To provide updates as available on the situation and services at Haverfordwest Airport.
- Item: Housing Development Programme
- Purpose: To provide a detailed overview of the Housing Development Programme.
- Item: Strategic Asset Management Group (SAMG)
- Purpose: To receive a six month update.
ID: 547, revised 20/12/2024