Overview and Scrutiny
Services Committee
The role of the Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to review and scrutinise public facing services delivered by the Council, with the exception of those within the remit of the Schools and Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Committee will scrutinise the quality and performance of these services.
The remit and scope of the Committee in relation to Council services, and divisions within these services, is as follows:
- Infrastructure
- Environment and Civil Contingencies
- Housing
- Building Maintenance
- Planning
- Property
- Public Protection
- Economic Development and Regeneration
- Cultural Services
- Leisure Services
- Revenues and Benefits
The Committee has 13 members and will meet at least five times per year. Details of Committee members and future meetings, along with the Committee Work Programme can be found via the links below.
Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme
Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
27 March 2025
- Item: Regeneration Programme – Bridge Innovation Centre
- Purpose: To receive a detailed overview of the Bridge Innovation Centre, following a Members’ site visit.
- Item: Dog Restrictions
- Purpose: To receive recommendations from the Task and Finish Group.
- Item: Fly-grazing
- Purpose: To receive information regarding fly-grazing.
- Item: Waste and Recycling Kerbside Collections
- Purpose: To receive and overview of the Waste and Recycling kerbside collection services.
17 June 2025
- Item: Housing Development Programme
- Purpose: To provide a detailed overview of the Housing Development Programme, to include an update on the acquisition of housing stock and information regarding alternative accommodation, such as chalets/lodges etc.
- Item: Pembrokeshire Housing Strategy 2023-2027
- Purpose: To review the Housing Strategy for 2023-2027
- Item: Incidents of vandalism on the Authority’s properties
- Purpose: Six month update, to include information on the number of people caught and the consequences
- Item: Regeneration Programme Update and Regeneration Strategy
- Purpose: To receive the six month update of the Regeneration Programme and a review of the Regeneration Strategy
- Item: Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report
- Purpose: To consider the Annual Report on Overview and Scrutiny activity for 2024-25
23 September 2025
- Item: Enviro-crime Update
- Purpose: To receive a 12 month update on the second year of operation
- Item: Dog restrictions on beaches, signage and restriction management
- Purpose: To receive feedback on the updated restrictions
- Item: Building Maintenance Update
- Purpose: To receive the annual update in regards to Building Maintenance
- Item: Strategic Asset Management Group (SAMG)
- Purpose: To receive a six month update.
- Item: Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership
- Purpose: To scrutinise the work of the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership – to provide an annual update – last reviewed March 2023
25 November 2025
- Item: Disabled Resident Parking Bays Pilot Scheme
- Purpose: To receive the outcome of the review following the completion of the two-year pilot.
ID: 547, revised 18/03/2025