Local Toilet Strategy

Why have we produced a toilet strategy?

Part 8 of the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 which came into force 31 May 2018, requires Local Authorities to prepare and publish a Local Toilets Strategy.

Our original strategy was published May 2019 following a comprehensive needs assessment, and a report on progress was published November 2021. In accordance with the Act, the strategy has now been reviewed following the Local Government Elections 2022.

The aim of the Act is to encourage a broader consideration of options available for providing toilets for public use including traditional stand-alone toilets as well as those in private ownership. It is intended to help address the current challenges faced by Local 

Authorities in continuing to sustain provision during times of substantial financial pressures.

The Act does not place a duty on Local Authorities to provide or maintain public toilets themselves but it does require Local Authorities to assess the need and take a strategic view on how this need can be met. The needs assessment from 2019 has been considered for this strategy.

ID: 10276, revised 22/06/2023