Local Toilet Strategy

Progress to date

Since the publication of the original strategy, we have seen some positive progress both locally and nationally that impact upon toilet provision.


  1. National Non-Domestic Rates were removed from all stand alone public toilets in April 2020.  This means that facilities are now cheaper to run and more financially manageable for other organisations to consider providing*
  2. Amendments to Document M Building Regulations, January 2023 – the amendment covers the provision of changing places toilets within appropriately sized, publicly accessible buildings.

Local progress

  1. Asset transfers are in progress at several facilities in the County, all will continue to provide public toilets 
  2. Three facilities have been transferred back to the National Trust who are continuing to provide them
  3. 320 facilities have been secured through PCC car parking charges
  4. Funding secured from Welsh Government to redevelop the facility at Whitesands beach to improve inclusivity by providing our 1st beach-side Changing Places Toilet and a family room
  5. Several facilities painted to approve appearance
  6. Several small scale projects underway to improve the visitor experience of the facilities 
  7. A new facility and a redevelopment at Fishguard to improve provision in this area, both include disabled and baby changing facilities
  8. Projects underway in Haverfordwest to include new public toilets at the Transport Interchange and Western Quayside development. Both will include a Changing Places Toilet. 

Not all actions from the original strategy have been completed due to the impacts of Covid-19. The actions which are still relevant have therefore carried forward in Section 5 below.  

*Contract limitations has resulted in savings not fully passed onto PCC at present time. 

ID: 10278, revised 22/06/2023