Local Toilet Strategy

Local Toilet Strategy

Pembrokeshire County Council has produced a Local Toilet Strategy in compliance with Part 8 of the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017.

Through this strategy, we aim to provide accessible, clean toilets in the most appropriate locations. We also aim to secure the future of current provision as well as looking at ways to increase the number of public toilets available and improving access to all groups of people.

In developing this strategy, we have carried out a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the current need and have considered both this and the need of future generations in the production.

An action plan will be developed and a progress report will be prepared and published by November 2021

The first Local Toilet Strategy for Pembrokeshire County Council was published May 2019, the focus of which was to take a strategic view on how we can secure the future of as many existing public toilets as possible, increase provision beyond that of traditional standalone toilet blocks in the County and improve access for all users. 

The financial situation for Local Authorities in 2019 was challenging and many had already closed toilets within their areas to meet budget saving targets. Local Authorities have never had a statutory duty to supply toilet provision although perception is often that councils are responsible for this service. Whilst we recognise the importance of facilities to residents, visitors and the economy, the strategy has been reviewed and revised, taking into consideration the current financial climate which is even more challenging than when the first strategy was written. These financial challenges are likely to continue into the future.  

Pembrokeshire has a population of about 124,000 with 26.2% of those being 65 and older, a figure which is predicted to steadily rise year on year. About 22% of local people are disabled*, and this rises to 53% for people who are aged 65 and over. As a major tourism destination with approximately 5,400,000 visitors each year (bringing a value of approximately £420 million to the County), the demand on services such as toilets increases considerably at peak seasonal times. In order to meet this demand we need to take a strategic view across our County on how these facilities can be provided and accessed both now and in the future, through innovative ways of working and collaboration with others.

The production of this strategy does not mean that all existing provision provided by Pembrokeshire County Council will remain. We will look to establish sustainable models for funding provision across the county provided by a variety of sources.

* 2011 Census. People of all ages whose activities are limited a little or a lot. Awaiting publication of up to date figures.

ID: 5268, revised 22/06/2023