Local Toilet Strategy

How this strategy links with other local/national strategies


During the production of this strategy we have had due regard for the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The provision of toilet facilities and the strategic way forward helps to achieve all seven of the well-being goals as set out below.  The contribution to some of the goals is likely to be limited:

  • A prosperous Wales – considering the impact of the economy and in particular in Pembrokeshire the importance of tourism
  • A resilient Wales – minimising the impact on the environment and maximising opportunities to promote bio-diversity
  • A healthier Wales – maximise physical and mental well-being
  • A more equal Wales – meeting our duties under the Equality Act
  • A Wales of cohesive communities – safe services provided in communities
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language – our cultural heritage and meeting Welsh Language Standards
  • A globally responsible Wales – reducing our carbon footprint.

We will act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Whilst addressing short term needs, we will have consideration for the ability to meet long term needs in decisions that are made. We will actively seek to prevent provision from being lost by integrating with other public bodies and collaborating withbusinesses and other organisations to protect provision. We will involve the public and other interested parties in decisions made through consultation processes.


The Corporate Plan is currently under review however in line with the previous version, the provision of clean and accessible toilets helps to facilitate physical and mental well-being. They enable people to access services and live their lives. They are important for tourism in the County which contributes to our economy. The strategy is looking for ways provision can be sustained across the county in the long term to support our residents and visitors.  

Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan (2020-2025) – recognises that tourism is a key economic driver in Pembrokeshire with an emphasis on providing the basics right to enhance reputation and the visitor experience. This strategy recognises that toilet provision is important to locals and visitors alike.

Programme for Administration (2022-2027) – promotes that Pembrokeshire is a great place to live, work and visit and that our communities are active and thriving, the provision of adequate public toilets can help facilitate this.

Strategic Equality Plan (2020-2024) – Supporting the implementation of the Local Toilet Strategy is an action as part of Objective 4: Access to community life and services, supporting the provision of accessible council services and encourage the development of accessible opportunities within our local communities.

Rights Of Way Improvement Plan (2018-2028):  states that “Wherever possible, providing complementary facilities on routes suitable for disabled users such as seating and bus routes, as well as specific facilities such as toilets and parking provision.”


ID: 10285, revised 22/06/2023