Inclusion Services

The Early Help Team - About us

The Early Help Team

The Early Help Team in Pembrokeshire aims to target early help and support for children, young people and families with a focus on ensuring they have the access to the right services at the right time. Training and support is also offered to schools and other settings. The aim being that children are enabled to reach their potential, and those working with them are equipped to help them achieve this. The team offers a wide range of support services to children, young people and families across different levels of need.

Meet the Early Help Team ​​​​​​​

Claire Bullock

Early Help & Support Team Lead

Emma Wilson

Specialist Teacher for SpLD


Sally Evans

Advisory Teacher for ASD 

Kathryn Brown

Advisory Teacher for Inclusion and Wellbeing

Helen Butland

Advisory Teacher for Complex Needs


Speech and Language Teaching Assistants (SALTAs)

  • Carolyn Cox
  • Mel Skyrme
  • ​​​​​​​Alonwy Howell
ID: 7987, revised 31/03/2023