Inclusion Services

Education of children out of their chronological year group

When supporting children and young people in Pembrokeshire, school staff/ALNCOs, governing bodies and admissions services may be faced with considering whether to support a young person by educating them in a year group different from that of their chronological age.

The intention of this policy is to address the critique above, thereby enabling young people, their families and professionals to contemplate the decision to educate out of chronological age group and plan appropriately. This document supports and guides those residing or working within Pembrokeshire and culminates in a guide to good practice which should be adhered to if making such a request to the Local Authority.

Guidance for parents and schools in the education of young people out of their chronological age

If you are thinking about making a request for your child to be educated out of their year group, you have probably done lots of thinking about it already. There are several different factors to consider so we have gathered some information together and had a look at the evidence from research for you to help you feel able to make an informed decision.

Parents and Carers Guidance Leaflet

ID: 8697, revised 14/05/2024