Inclusion Services

Complex Learning Needs Advisory Service

What is the Service? - Who is the Service for?

The Complex Needs Advisory team offer advice and guidance to primary and secondary schools across Pembrokeshire for children and young adults aged 3-19 years with complex learning needs.

Within the Complex Learning Needs team there is an advisory teacher and a specialist assistant.

On referral to the service, a pupil's needs are assessed and suitable recommendations made. If necessary, a programme of support for staff and the pupil will be developed and the complex needs assistant supports in the implementation of the programme. Programmes of support are re-assessed every five to six weeks to ensure that students are making good progress. The amount of time a student is involved with the service will vary dependent on the need of the young person.

How can the Service be accessed? - Who to contact?

Referrals are made through the child's school in discussion with the Headteacher or Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo).

Additional concerns can be discussed with:

Helen Butland – Advisory Teacher for Complex Needs






ID: 7988, revised 14/04/2023