Inclusion Services

Educational Psychology Service

Educational Psychologist involvement is discussed and agreed at the schools termly TAPPAS meetings. These are organised by the schools Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo). If parents/carers have concerns about their child’s learning they should speak to the school ALNCo in the first instance and whether educational psychology involvement is required.

One-Page Profile for Parents 

What is important to us

  • Supporting the wellbeing needs of schools, families and the community.
  • Linking with Early Support agencies and promoting early intervention.
  • Applying evidence-based psychological knowledge to promote the development, learning, achievement and wellbeing of all children and young people.
  • For schools, parents and professionals to follow a graduated response. This is described in the attached document.
  • Having a person-centred approach where children, young people, and their families are at the centre of everything we do.
  • Helping your child and the adults around them to understand their strengths and areas of need and agree positive ways forward.
  • Listening to your views and ideas so we can work together to make positive changes for your child.
  • Using a range of assessment techniques to identify your child’s strengths and needs. This may be directly with your child or the adults around them.
  • Plans put in place for your child are reviewed in a timely manner. You will be invited by your child’s school to contribute to this process.
  • Keeping up to date with current research and best practice so we can apply the most up-to-date psychological thinking to support your child.
  • Belonging to recognised professional bodies (e.g. AEP, HCPC) to be guided by professional standards frameworks and codes of ethics.

How best to support us

  • We can not get involved with your child without your consent. It is really important that you sign the consent form from school. 
  • We will do our best to arrange to speak with you at a time and place that is suitable to you. We know it is not always possible but it is helpful if during this time you are free from other distractions.
  • You know your child best and your thoughts and views are important. By being open and honest with each other we can really understand how we can support your child in the best possible way.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. We will do our best to answer them, find out for you or tell you the best person to contact.
  • Let school know about any changes in your child’s life, they will be able to tell us. Even small changes can make a big difference to children.
  • To know that you will contribute to your child’s plan of action (e.g. listening to your child read, trying new ways of relating to your child).
  • Your contribution at your child’s review is important. Be ready to contribute your views.  Your child’s school will help you prepare for this.
  • Hearing your views and feedback regarding our service, including what we could do better, will help us improve the way we do things.

What people say they like and admire about us

'Always friendly and approachable'

'Good listeners and lots of useful information'

'Reassuring approach towards parents'

'Flexible approach to problem solving for families'

School Counselling Services

What is Counselling?

The School-based Counselling Service consists of a group of professionally qualified and experienced therapists who are based across Pembrokeshire schools. Counselling offers children and young people a safe space to talk about the things that may be worrying them such as losing someone close, family relationships, bullying, health worries or anxiety about school work, nothing is off limits. 

The service follows professional ethical guidelines as well as national safeguarding policies and practices, so what is talked about during counselling sessions will remain confidential unless the issues discussed involve harm to themselves or others. 

Who is the service for?

The service is for children and young people who would benefit from a short period of therapeutic support and for those with emotional needs that are not considered significant enough to access other services such as the Primary Mental Health Service or the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.

How can the service be accessed?

Young people attending a secondary school in Pembrokeshire can directly access the school-based counsellor by visiting the named counsellor at their school and making an appointment. Adults who know the young person, such as a teacher, can also suggest that a young person access school-based counselling but a conversation will always be held with the young person prior to any involvement with a counsellor in order to seek their permission. Counselling will not take place without the consent of the young person. Every secondary school should have leaflets and notice boards advertising the service and how it can be accessed.

If it is felt that a child at primary school would benefit from counselling support, a discussion with an Educational Psychologist and the primary school ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator) will be arranged to consider the request.

Who to Contact?

Every secondary school in Pembrokeshire, as well as Portfield Special School, has a named counsellor based at the school. Young people can contact the counsellor directly or ask a staff member to do it for them.

Parents of primary school aged children will need to contact the ALNCo at school.

To find out more email:

Telephone: 01437 776473

ID: 8245, revised 12/02/2024