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Pets - Keeping Animals

Can I keep a pet?

We are happy for you to keep an animal, as long as it is appropriate for the type of home you live in, and will not annoy or frighten other people. But we have to think about all our tenants and need to be sure that your pet won't cause any problems.

Do I need permission to keep a pet?

You can keep up to two domestic pets at the property without asking for the Council’s permission. You will need to ask your housing officer at the Council for written permission if you want to keep more than two animals.

Your tenancy agreement says that you must not keep any animal that is unsuitable for your home or garden, and that your pet must not annoy or frighten other people.

Please follow the following guidelines for pet owners:

  • You will need to get written permission from the Council if you want to build animal cages such as an aviary or pigeon loft.
  • Your animals should not cause a nuisance to neighbours by creating lots of noise.
  • Pets should be kept in hygienic conditions.
  • Dogs should be kept under control and not allowed to roam freely in public areas or other people’s gardens.
  • Dogs should not be allowed to foul any public area. Be considerate and always clean up after your dog.

In most cases it comes down to common sense. We don't mind people having a pet that is well behaved, quiet and kept secure - as long as it is not banned by law or other rules. But if the animal annoys or frightens other people we will take action. The tenant will have to get rid of the animal or risk legal action for anti-social behaviour.

If you are in any doubt whether the animal you keep, or want to keep, is suitable, contact us straightaway. We will give you the right advice to avoid problems later. Phone Housing on 01437 764551.

ID: 1722, revised 07/01/2025