Working in childcare

Working in Early years and Childcare

All kinds of people work in Early Years, Childcare and Playwork. Children need a variety of positive role models and good influences. School leavers and students, adults of all ages, disabled people, people from ethnic minorities, men and women – with or without previous experience – all play an important part. What they have in common is their patience, enthusiasm and dedication and an understanding that theirs is a job to be taken seriously.

What are the options?

Registered childminders

Work in their own homes, providing care and learning opportunities for children. The FIS  tel 01437 770014 can send you a Childminding Information Pack, along with details of the support you will receive. This will include details of the Childminding Course, the Briefing Sessions which give you information about the registration process and the Start Up Pack. This will include membership of PACEY Cymru public liability insurance, as well as help towards training and equipment for you to get started.

Day Nurseries

Open weekdays all year round, so there are lots of opportunities for you to work part-time or term-time to fit in around your other commitments. With more experience, you can move into a supervisory or management role. There is a wide choice of training and qualifications available to you.

Ever thought of opening your own nursery? Chwarae Teg (opens in a new tab) can advise you on funding and training. They can help you develop an action plan and provide guidance on work-life balance, help with care costs and provide one-to-one discussions and free courses. Help and guidance can also be obtained from NDNA (opens in a new tab) (National Day Nurseries Association), and Business Wales (opens in a new tab)

Working in, or setting up a playgroup or Parent and Toddler Group

Early Years Wales (opens in a new tab) and Mudiad Meithrin (opens in a new tab) offer a range of courses, information and advice to anyone thinking of working or setting up a Playgroup or Parent and Toddler Group.

Working in, or setting up an Out-of-School-Club 

These clubs provide fun in a safe, happy environment term-time and during the holidays. Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids Clubs (opens in a new tab) helps to set up, develop and support out of school childcare clubs.

Working as a Nanny

The Childcare Home Approval Scheme is a voluntary scheme for carers who are not required to be registered by CIW (opens in a new tab) to allow individuals to work in the parents home caring for their child. Its aims are to raise the standard of home based care and allow greater numbers of parents to access financial support.

ID: 1782, revised 02/10/2023