Transport Strategy
Steynton to Old Bulford Road Active Travel Improvements 2024
Public consultation
Pembrokeshire County Councils Transport Strategy Team invite you to take part in this online survey which aims to gather feedback from members of the public and commuters on the following:
- Construction of a segregated Shared Use Path which forms a connection between Steynton and Johnston, along the A4076. This is a partial joint project between Pembrokeshire County Council and South Wales Trunk Road Agency.
- Phase 1 (Red solid line) forms a Shared Use Path along the A4076 starting opposite the bus stop at St Peters Church and linking Northwards towards the C3024 (the Old Bulford Road towards Tiers Cross diverges). This work will be undertaken by Pembrokeshire County Council.
- Phase 2 (Blue solid line) consists of a Shared Use Path formation, junction and footway improvements between the Neyland Road junction Northwards along the A4076 to connect in with Phase 1, this work will be undertaken by South Wales Trunk Road Agency. Users will then be directed along the quiteway towards Tiers Cross and the existing Bulford Road Shared Use Path, until Phase 3 is completed.
- Phase 3 (red dashed line) this future route will form the remaining part of the Shared Use Path, between Phase 2 and Sunnycroft Roundabout (A4076). This work is expected to commence with future years funding.
Why are we proposing these changes?
There is no direct Active Travel link between Johnston and Milford Haven, despite this being one of the most used commuter routes in Pembrokeshire. At present, residents can not cycle/walk safely between the two areas. The wider strategy (Phase 1 and 3) is to provide a Shared Use Path along the A4076 between the two areas. This would then connect to the existing network between Johnston and Haverfordwest.
The village of Steynton lies to the north of Milford Haven and has properties situated on either side of the main road. There is provision for a new footway to both sides of the village, however, the footway to the western side is generally wider with a grass verge and would be better suited for a Shared Use Path rather than the eastern side which has a steep cross fall. The footway is not continuous and there is no cycle route provision which is segregated from the carriageway. The implementation of this scheme would provide missing links within the Active Travel Network.
The aim of the proposals is to:
- Facilitate and increase the number of Active Travel journeys between Milford Haven and Johnston
- To provide a safe access away from the A4076 Trunk Road
- Increase physical activity and encourage a healthy lifestyle
- Support climate change and decarbonisation by reducing vehicle trips
- Give the local community the opportunity to travel via Active Travel means
Public consultation
We will be seeking your feedback on the proposed designs.
Studdolph active travel improvements
Phase 1-2 Studdolph Active travel improvements
Steynton to Studdolph Lane shared use path
The Public consultation will commence with a workshop/drop-in session on 14th February 2025, between 10:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00 and 18:30 – 20:00 at Steynton Community Hall.
The sessions will have representatives from Pembrokeshire County Council to answer any questions that may arise. Following this one-day event, for those who are unable to attend in person, an online public survey will be made available and can be accessed, via: Have your say
The online survey will remain available for 6 weeks concluding on 28th March 2025 at midnight.
Whilst the County Council encourages consultation responses to be made via our on-line consultation system, paper copies of the designs and survey, along with a comments box, will be located in County Hall. Posted copies are available upon request by contacting the team on the below email address or contact number.
Following on from the consultation period, final preferred option(s) will be identified. This preferred option will not be finalised until we have the feedback from the local community.
Please contact the team at or telephone 01437 764551 if you have any questions.
This online survey will close on 28th March 2025 at midnight. Thank you for your time in completing this survey.