Social Services Charging Policy

Financial Assessments

Financial assessments will be offered to everyone who is in receipt of a chargeable service that is not charged at a flat rate. The financial assessment will determine how much a service user can afford to pay towards the cost of their care. 

We will screen the financial information forms within 5 working days and will let the service user/ financial representative know if we need further information. We will provide a financial assessment within 15 working days of receipt of a complete set of financial information.

Service users will be informed that there will be a delay between the start of the service and the first invoice. This is due to the time period allowed for the return of a completed financial form with supporting documentation and also the PCC invoice run which is done every four weeks.  Sometimes there is a delay in receiving complete financial information for the financial assessment, which will add to the delay. While service users are awaiting the outcome of a financial assessment it is important for them to save enough of their income to settle the first invoice which will include charges from the day the service started.

Service users are advised to contact the debt recovery team if they think they will struggle to settle the first invoice. A repayment plan could be considered dependent on circumstances.

Service users in a care home placement with capital/savings above £50,000 will be charged full cost. If weekly income is less than the full cost amount and there is capital but no savings above £50k, then we could make arrangements to defer the portion of the charge not covered by weekly income.

This section should be read in conjunction with the Social Services & Housing Financial Assessment, Deferred Payments and Debt Recovery Policies.  

ID: 12531, revised 08/01/2025