Shared Lives (Adult Placement)

What happens next?

We will provide you with information about the match and if you are happy, we arrange a visit where you can meet them and see where you may be staying. We call this an ‘introduction’. You may have more than one introduction and with more than one carer.

If you and the Shared Lives Carer agree to go ahead with the arrangement a start date will be identified, and your Shared Lives Support Worker will draw up an agreement with you and the Shared Lives Carer detailing how you would like to be supported and/or receive care.

Your Shared Lives Support Worker will coordinate an initial review of the service you receive to find out how things are going. At any point in the process, you and your Shared Lives Carer can request a review of your service, raise any issues, decline a service or ask for a new match.

Becoming a Shared Lives Carer 


Dewis Cymru is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 8246, revised 10/01/2023