Shared Lives (Adult Placement)

Shared Lives (Adult Placement)

West Wales Shared Lives scheme provides support to people with an assessed need, who want help to live in their community. Housing and assistance is provided within the homes of professional Shared Lives carers, often developing into broader networks of support.

We bring together people who need support with professional, vetted and approved Shared Lives Carers.

We have a wide range of Shared Lives carers, and we will match you by things like:

  • common interests
  • lifestyle choices
  • personality

This gives you a real choice in how, where and with whom you receive support.

West Wales Shared Lives is a growing alternative to residential care and caters for people seeking permanent or short-term housing, short breaks or sessional support.

The service is  available in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.

About Our Shared Lives Carers

We select and train carers through a rigorous process of assessment and approval. This is because being a carer is both a rewarding job and a responsible one. Carers work independently without direct supervision and need to be resourceful, resilient, and responsible. To make sure that carers can meet our requirements we visit, interview, assess and train each person, reviewing their work with our independent panel.

Becoming a Shared Lives Carer (opens in a new tab)


Dewis Cymru (opens in a new tab) is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.


ID: 8019, revised 12/09/2023