Shared Lives (Adult Placement)

What services are provided ?

Long Term Arrangements

We offer people a home with approved carers and the support and care to provide a solid foundation from which to develop independence. Shared Lives arrangements commonly last for many years and allow people to enjoy the opportunities and experiences that family and home life can bring. 

Short Term Arrangements

These arrangements offer focused support over shorter periods of between 1-6 months and are ideal for helping:

  • build people’s confidence and skills for independent living. 
  • assess people’s strengths and needs 
  • allow people time to recover from changes in their health.

Short breaks

We can provide planned breaks to adults at risk, their families, and carers.   We can arrange short breaks in Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, and Ceredigion and some of our approved carers are happy to provide a holiday experience, with others providing support so that people can continue with their usual routines. 

Urgent Arrangements  

We can provide support in an emergency. Sometimes a person may require accommodation, support and care at short notice, perhaps in the event of illness or family crisis.  

Sessional Support

We can provide support and care on an hourly basis. The support starts and finishes from the approved carers home and can be in the daytime or evening, weekdays, and weekends.

Becoming a Shared Lives Carer 


Dewis Cymru is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

ID: 8020, revised 16/12/2022