School Meals

Universal Primary Free School Meals

From September 2023, all full-time primary pupils will receive free school meals

The Universal Primary Free School Meals policy is part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.



Will I need to fill in an application form to get Universal Primary Free School Meals for my child(ren)?

Parents and carers will not need to fill in an application form. Children will be asked whether they would like to order a meal each day during morning registration.


I am on a low income and my child(ren) currently receive Free School Meals (eFSM) anyway -  how will the introduction of the new Universal Primary Free School Meals scheme affect me?

Families on low incomes will not be affected by the introduction of Universal Primary Free School Meals. You’ll still be able to receive free school meals and other school essentials, such as help with school uniform, sports kit, and stationery.


I have a child or another child starting school in September. Will they automatically get free school meals?

If your child is starting full time nursery, reception, Year 1 or Year 2 in September, they will automatically qualify for the new Universal Primary Free School Meals scheme. However, if you as a parent or guardian are in receipt of a qualifying benefit you must still apply for Free School Meals (eFSM) in order to access other funding, such as School Essentials (PDG Access). 


Can schools cater for my child’s special dietary requirements?

Yes, all special dietary requirements can be catered for upon request. Please contact our School Liaison Officer via email or telephone 01437 776168 to discuss your child’s special dietary needs.


My child’s cashless catering account is in credit. How do I get a refund?

Please email to request a refund or alternatively you can request that the credit be transferred to a sibling’s account.


ID: 9251, revised 25/08/2023