School Admissions Policy (next academic year)

Useful Information (2024-2025)

3.1 Admission Forum

The Pembrokeshire Admission Forum meets twice a year to discuss local admission issues. LA Members, Headteachers, Governors, Parents and Diocesan Authorities are represented.


Minutes of the meetings are available on the Pembrokeshire County Council website


Throughout this document, Parents are defined as meaningall person(s) with a legally defined parental responsibility for a child.


3.2 Transport

The Local Authority provides free school transport for children of compulsory school age (term after their 5th birthday) on the following basis: 

  • Primary age pupils who live over two miles from the nearest suitable primary school;
  • Secondary age pupils who live over three miles from the nearest suitable secondary school.

Distance is measured by the shortest walking route between home and school. From the nearest council maintained road to the property to the main school entrance.


There are separate applications processes in place for school admissions and school transport. Parents may express a preference for a school place and the admission authority must meet that preference unless to do so would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resourcesHowever, it is important to note that obtaining a school place as part of the school admissions process does not automatically confer a right to free home to school transport, and parents must check their child’s entitlement for school transport before expressing a preference for a school place. Eligibility for school transport can be checked via the School Transport Eligibility Tracker.

The Council’s School Transport Policy is published online


The contact details for the Integrated Transport Unit are as follows: 

Integrated Transport Unit 
County Hall
SA61 1TP 

Tel: 01437 775222


3.3 Elective Home Education

Parents may also choose to educate their children at home. This is known as Elective Home Education. The decision to home educate requires careful thought, as it represents a considerable undertaking in terms of commitment, time and cost.


Parents considering this option are advised to contact the Local Authority, and seek guidance from the Elective Home Education Officer on 01437 764551.


3.4  Consultation

LAs must consult each year on the admission arrangements for those schools for which they are the admission authority. In relation to Voluntary Aided schools, relevant governing bodies must also consult annually unless they have consulted on their proposed arrangements:


i.    within the previous two determination years,

ii.   those arrangements are unchanged, and

iii.  no objection has been made to the Welsh Ministers about their admission arrangements in the preceding five years.

ID: 10788, revised 18/09/2023