School Admissions Policy (next academic year)

Appendices (2024-2025)

Appendix A – School Admission Numbers

Schools in Pembrokeshire


Appendix B - Exceptions To The Infant Class Size Legislation

  • Children, whose statements of SEN specify that they should be educated at the school concerned, and who were admitted to the school outside a normal admission round.
  • Children who are looked after by local authorities (Looked After Children), or who have ceased to be looked after (previously Looked After Children) as a result of being adopted or being placed with a family or given a special guardian and are admitted to the school outside a normal admissions round.
  • Children initially refused admission to a school, but subsequently offered a place outside a normal admission round by direction of an admission appeal panel, or because the person responsible for making the original decision recognises that an error was made in implementing the school’s admission arrangements.
  • Children admitted outside the normal admission round who: the maintaining local authority confirmed cannot gain a place at any other suitable school within a reasonable distance of their home because they have moved into the area outside a normal admission round, or desire a religious education, or a Welsh speaking education and the school in question is the only suitable school within a reasonable distance.
  • Children who were admitted to the school outside the normal admission round after which the school has arranged its classes, and after the first day of the school year, the effect of which would mean that the school would have to take a relevant measure if such children were not excepted pupils.
  • Children of armed forces personnel who are admitted outside the normal admission round.
  • Children whose twin or other sibling from a multiple birth are admitted as non-excepted pupils, as the final pupil(s) allocated a place before the admission number is reached.
  • Children who are registered pupils at special schools, but who receive part of their education at a mainstream school.
  • Children with SEN who are normally educated in a special unit in a mainstream school, who receive part of their lessons in a non-special class.

Excepted pupils will remain so, once admitted, for the remainder of their time in an infant class or until class numbers fall back and they can be organised to comply with the infant class size limit. For example, because a non-excepted child leaves the class, an additional infant class is created, or an additional teacher is appointed, then that child ceases to be an excepted pupil. Classes must be organised so as to comply with the limit wherever possible.

ID: 10812, revised 18/09/2023