Publication Scheme

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.


How the Council works

The Council and Democracy


Council constitution



Council democratic structure

Committee structure


Organisational chart

Organisation structure


Gender pay gap reporting

Employers gender pay gap report (opens in a new tab)


Location and opening times of Council properties

Customer Service

Customer Service Centres


Leisure Centres

Waste & Recycling Centres

Pembrokeshire Archives

Scolton Manor (opens in a new tab)


Community Learning Centres


Car Parks - Pembrokeshire County Council

Parc Gwyn Crematorium - Pembrokeshire County Council


Currently elected councillors' information and contact details

Your Councillors


Contact details for all customer-facing departments

Departments can be contacted via the following: Contact us


Most recent election results

Election Results


Relationships with other Authorities

Safer Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire County Council

Public Services Board - Pembrokeshire County Council

West Wales Care Partnership (opens in a new tab)

Partneriaeth Cymru (opens in a new tab)

Swansea Bay City Deal (opens in a new tab)

Committee details - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee: NPT CBC (opens in a new tab)

Cysur | Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board Safeguarding children & adults (opens in a new tab)

Adoption Mid and West Wales - Adoption Mid and West Wales (opens in a new tab)

Outside Bodies - Pembrokeshire County Council

ChoiceHomes Pembrokeshire (opens in a new tab)

Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership 

ID: 1718, revised 18/06/2024