Publication Scheme

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.


Annual reports

Improvement Planning

Annual Report of the Director of Social Services

Public Services Board Annual Reports


Strategies and business plans for services provided by the council

Improvement Planning

Cabinet Programme for Administration 2022-2027

Well-being Plan

Pembrokeshire Recovery and Regeneration Strategy 2020-2030

Property Asset Documents


Best value local performance plan

Improvement Planning


Internal and external organisation performance reviews, including external audits

Audit Wales (opens in a new tab)

Estyn (opens in a new tab)

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) (opens in a new tab)


Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities

Safer Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire County Council

Public Services Board - Pembrokeshire County Council

West Wales Care Partnership (opens in a new tab)

Partneriaeth Cymru (opens in a new tab)

Swansea Bay City Deal (opens in a new tab)

Committee details - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee: NPT CBC (opens in a new tab)

Cysur | Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board Safeguarding children & adults (opens in a new tab)

Adoption Mid and West Wales - Adoption Mid and West Wales (opens in a new tab)

Outside Bodies - Pembrokeshire County Council

ChoiceHomes Pembrokeshire (opens in a new tab)

Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership 


Economic development action plan

Pembrokeshire Recovery and Regeneration Strategy 2020-2030

Local Development Plan


Forward plan

Improvement Planning

Cabinet Programme for Administration 2022-2027


Capital strategy

Appendix C


Best value performance indicators

Performance Management Framework

Improvement Planning


District auditor's reports on the best value performance plan and performance indicators

Publications | Audit Wales (opens in a new tab)


Comprehensive performance assessment

Improvement Planning


Inspection reports

Audit Wales (opens in a new tab)

Estyn (opens in a new tab)

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) (opens in a new tab)


Statistical information produced in accordance with the council's and departmental requirements

What we do - Pembrokeshire County Council


Data protection impact assessments (in full or summary format) or any other impact assessments (eg health and safety impact assessments, equality impact assessments), as appropriate and relevant

Integrated Impact Assessment

Integrated Impact Assessments are published as part of reports to Cabinet and Council as appropriate and not as standalone documents


Service standards

Our Customer Charter - Pembrokeshire County Council



Improvement Planning

Well-being Plan

ID: 1720, revised 07/09/2023