Publication Scheme

Lists and registers

Public registers and registers held as public records

Planning Applications

Building Control Applications

Bus Routes

List of Providers

Haverfordwest Farmers Market - List of Traders

Secondary School Cafeteria Price List 2022


Disclosure logs

Search Disclosure Log


Register of councillors' financial and other interests

Each Councillors’ register of interests can be found under their name here: Your Councillors

Related parties - Member’s & Officer’s Related Parties


Senior officers’ declaration of interests

Member’s & Officer’s Related Parties


Register of gifts and hospitality

Each Councillors’ register of interests can be found under their name here: Your Councillors


Highways, licensing, planning, commons, footpaths

Highways Development

Road works

Licensing Public Register

Planning Applications

Building Control Applications

Common Land and Village Greens

The Consolidated Definitive Map


Register of electors {ie open/edited register)

What is the Electoral Register?

ID: 1724, revised 29/06/2023