Private Housing

Empty Home Loans

Houses into Homes Scheme  - Bringing empty properties back into use

Latest figures suggest there are approximately 750 empty properties in Pembrokeshire, which could provide homes to people who need them.

The Welsh Government has committed £10 million nationally to the Houses into Homes initiative to enable Local Authorities to provide interest free loans to bring these empty properties back into use.


Interest free loans are now available to individuals and companies - not owner occupiers -through the Houses to Homes initiative.

  • Loans are only available for properties that have been empty for 6 months or longer.
  • Loans can cover the renovation of an existing dwelling, completion of a new build and conversion of a non-dwelling.
  • Loan applications will be considered to convert empty commercial properties into residential accommodation.
  • The maximum loan amount you can apply for is £25,000 per property or unit, up to a maximum of £150,000 per applicant (6 or more units).
  • Any loan offered, including any existing mortgages/loans, cannot exceed 80% of the current property value.
  • An administration fee is charged for the loans. This starts at £345 and increases depending on the size of the loan.

The interest free loan may be used to return an empty property to use for either:

  • Selling - this has a maximum 2-year repayment period.
  • Renting - this has a maximum 3-year repayment period.
All approved loans are subject to a number of conditions to ensure that the loan fund monies are 'recycled' to assist further empty property schemes. For more information or to apply please contact:

Philip Jackson 
Tel: 01437 775635 

National Empty Homes Grant (opens in a new tab)

ID: 1862, revised 10/05/2024