Planning Applications

Making an application

Who can make a planning application?

Anyone can make a planning application, but an applicant must certify that they own the land, or that they have served notice on the owner and any agricultural tenants.

Pre-application Advice

The submission of a pre-application enquiry will help you to gain clear, impartial and professional advice at an early stage regarding any key issues that you need to address prior to submitting a formal development proposal

This advice can help to prevent schemes that are unlikely to gain approval from entering the process, and as a result can save both you and the Council time and money. Further information 

The Application Form

There is a standard form for you to give details of your proposals. The application must identify the land or buildings that are the subject of the application. A certificate relating to land ownership must accompany the application. Some large developments also have to be accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) and what it should contain is set out in legislation and guidance from the National Assembly. Copies of Ordnance Survey maps can be made available to help you make a planning application, but there is a charge for this service. Application forms can be downloaded from the website, or can be sent to you on request.

Guidance notes on how to complete the forms will be sent to you, or can be found by clicking on the appropriate link below. Please ensure that the forms, plans and appropriate certificates are completed accurately and comprehensively as this will help to avoid any delay during the processing of an application.

We have also produced a checklist of the information we require to be submitted with an application:

Checklist of Information required for a full planning permission application


A guide to the fees for planning applications in Wales

We are required to collect a fee in connection with the submission of a planning application. The amount depends on the nature of the development and the type of application. The correct fee must be submitted or otherwise delays may occur. A fee calculator is available on the Planning Portal web page.

We are happy to assist with the type of application required and the fee involved. Please contact us on 01437 764551.

Design and Access Statements

On 16th March 2016, the requirements for a Design and Access Statement (DAS) were modified to accompany certain types of application. Since then, no DAS will be required except for the following:

  • Planning applications for "substantial" developments, other than those for mining operations; waste operations; removal or variation of conditions (Section 73 applications); and applications for the change of use of land or buildings, or
  • Planning applications for development in a conservation area or World Heritage Site which includes the provision of one or more dwellings or creating a floor space of 100 square meters (gross) or more.

Where DAS is required as above, the statement must:

  • Explain the principles and concepts of design applied to the development.
  • Demonstrate the steps taken to evaluate the context of the development and how the design of the development takes into account that context.
  • Explain the policy or approach adopted in terms of access and how access related policies were considered in the development plan.
  • Explain how specific issues were addressed that could affect access to the development.

Heritage Impact Assessment

From the 1st September 2017 (Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2017) all applications for listed building consent and conservation area consent shall include a Heritage Impact Statement, Cadw has produced a guidance document to assist in the preparation of these statements. 

Other Useful Links

Useful information on how to approach the topic of Design and Access has been published by The Commission for Architecture & Built Environment (CABE) - ‘How to write, read and use them' . Please note this guidance has been specifically written for Design & Access statements in England but is recognised as a ‘good practice' guide on how to approach design and access.

The design commission for Wales also has a model design guide for Wales with regard to residential development.

ID: 2318, revised 03/09/2023