Planning Applications

Do I need to apply for planning permission?

When is planning permission needed?

Planning permission is needed whenever someone wants to carry out development. 'Development' includes:

  • building works, including most new buildings and extensions and alterations to existing buildings,
  • engineering operations,
  • changes of use (e.g. converting a house into flats or a farm building into a dwelling).

The law allows some works and changes of use to take place without the need to apply for planning permission. This includes things such as minor internal alterations to buildings, and most works of repair and maintenance. In circumstances where you are seeking an informal opinion as to whether a development you are proposing requires planning permission, you are strongly advised to submit a permitted development enquiry prior to commencing any work. The enquiry allows for an informal assessment of whether planning permission is required. As of the 1st November 2017, there will be a charge of £25 for this service.

Permitted Development Enquiry Form

Please Note: This service does not provide a formal determination of whether planning permission is required. You are advised that should you require a formal determination it will be necessary to apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Use or Development.

Since 30th September 2013, the Welsh Government has introduced changes to the permitted development rights for works to a dwelling and works within the curtilage of a dwelling.  As such, any advice given prior to this date will apply only to developments that had commenced before the 30th September 2013.

In cases where advice was provided before 30th September on the basis of the former regulations, it is important that you resubmit your enquiry so that it may be re-considered in light of the changes to the permitted development rights.

What kinds of planning permission are there?

There are two types of planning permission:

  • If you think that you may want to carry out development at some point in the future, you can apply for an approval in principle, which is called outline planning permission (or consent). If you receive outline planning permission, you must then submit further details (called reserved matters) in order for the development to be allowed to start. You must do this within three years or the outline consent will lapse.
  • The second type is called 'full planning permission' where you provide all the necessary details to start work immediately. If granted, development must start within five years (or any other time specified in the conditions) or it will lapse.

Will I need any other consents?

To carry out building operations, two types of consent can be required:

  • Planning permission and/or listed building consent
  • Building regulation approval

These consents are often confused as being one, but this is not the case. If your application is approved, and your proposal involves constructing a building, then it is probable that before you start you will need to obtain consent under the building regulations as well as planning permission. Please contact the Building Control team on 01437 764551.

ID: 2316, revised 17/01/2022