Planning Applications

How will a decision on my application be made?

The main basis on which a decision will be made is the Development Plan, although other material planning considerations will be taken into account. We will also consider any relevant comments received as a result of the consultation process.

The current development plan for Pembrokeshire is the , which was adopted in February 2013.

Who will make a decision on my application?

Your application will either be decided at the Planning and Rights of Way Committee, or will be dealt with under delegated powers by the Head of Planning. Over 90% of applications received are determined under delegated powers. In very general terms, the smaller proposals, e.g. house extensions, advertisements, changes of use etc. are delegated to officers, whereas the Committee determines the larger and more complex applications.

How will I find out what the decision is?

You will be issued with a decision notice, which will tell you whether your application has been approved or refused. This notice will also detail any conditions attached to an approval of planning permission and the reasons for these conditions, or will provide information as to why an application has been refused.

You should not start work on site until you have received a formal written approval of your application. You will need to see the full details of your decision –any conditions need be studied and fully understood before you start work. Please also ensure that if your development is to be carried out by a builder or other contractor that he/she has a copy of all the conditions. You will also need to separately obtain building regulations approval for your works.

View weekly lists of decisions.

ID: 2321, revised 20/04/2023