Pembrokeshire Youth

Youth Homelessness Team

The Youth Homelessness Prevention Team aims to support, educate and upskill young people in order to avert homelessness. Where this is not possible we look to ensure these situations are rare, brief and unrepeated. In order to do this we facilitate a wide ranges of help and support;

Temporary Supported Accommodation

We currently have three accommodation units (2 flats and 1 house) offering a safe, positive environment where young people aged 18-25 can develop a range of independent living skills before living on their own Placements last a maximum of two years.

Floating Support

This service helps young people at risk of homelessness to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to apply for, secure and maintain appropriate accommodation, whilst being an active member of the communities in which they live.

Furniture and equipment loan scheme

Equipping homes can be expensive /and difficult for a number of reason. This schemes ensures that young people have access to a range of household furniture and equipment that are required to make a house a home. Access to the items is based purely on active engagement on our other support programmes.

The Independent Living Centre (ILC)

We believe that experiential learning affords young people the opportunity to develop a range of skills needed to make a success of living independently. Our ILC is equipped with specialist resources and equipment that allow young people to experience what it takes to run a home. These workshops are offered both on a one to one basis but also in groups.

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

This interactive platform provides young people access to a range of learning materials including videos, audio clips, interactive challenges and quizzes, which enables them to develop a range of independent living skills at a pace that suits them,  in an environment they are comfortable with. There is also a facility which allows them to contact youth workers from within the platform should they need any advice, guidance or just a little clarity on something.

Raising Awareness

There are a range of contributing and protective factors associated with homelessness. Pathways of support can sometimes not be obvious. We offer Homelessness Workshops to schools, colleges, training providers and community groups, where we attend these venues and deliver a range of workshops based on the needs of the young people attending.

Empowering young people

The experiences, views and opinions of young people interacting with housing and homelessness services are important in helping shape and develop the support on offer. The team has a number of ways where we ensure those with such lived experiences are listened to by decision makers and have an opportunity to inform provisions.


For more information or any enquiries please contact:

ID: 11026, revised 09/11/2023