Pembrokeshire Youth

Children and Young People's Rights Office

The Children and Young People's Rights Office (CYPRO) in Pembrokeshire leads on delivery of Participation and Rights of Children and Young People for Pembrokeshire County Council.

CYPRO promotes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to organisations, services, professionals and to children and young people.

CYPRO facilitates multiple pieces of work across the county. These include youth projects and youth forums in communities, Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly and special interest groups. This work enables young people to have a say on decision making that affects them and also allows them to become actively involved within their community and influence decision making on a local and national level.

The Children and Young People’s Rights Office leads on the delivery of Participation and the Rights of Children and Young People in Pembrokeshire. The role of the CYPRO is to:

  • Ensure that young people from Pembrokeshire have a national voice and part of a national network to influence change.
  • Facilitates a proactive youth assembly ensuring young people from around the county are involved in the decision-making process.
  • Facilitate and support a network of community youth councils and special interest groups to ensure a diverse range of young people in Pembrokeshire are represented.
  • Committing Pembrokeshire to the UNCRC.
  • Develop and deliver training to young people and adults.
  • Work on projects important to young people e.g. Votes @16, safeguarding, environment, youth bank etc.

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Youth Forums

Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly

Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly is a county-wide youth forum that consists of two representatives from each school, special interest group and youth forum in Pembrokeshire. The group meet once a month to come together to discuss issues and topics that affect young people in Pembrokeshire.

Pembrokeshire Junior Safeguarding

Pembrokeshire Junior Safeguarding is a group that aims to make Pembrokeshire a safe place for young people. The group meet monthly to discuss various things around educating young people of what the meaning of safeguarding is and also work around the issues that young people highlight that need more awareness.

Pembrokeshire Youth Bank

Pembrokeshire Youth bank consists of a panel of young people who come together to consider applications from projects led by young people within the community. The young people who are part of the Youth Bank panel can decide what projects can be funded money towards their project. Projects that are taking place in local areas that are being led by young people for young people, can apply for up to one thousand pounds. This allows young people to be involved in decision making and become participatory in the community. Pembrokeshire Youth Bank meet monthly to look at applications, visit funded projects and build relationships in Pembrokeshire.

Milford Haven Youth Council

Milford Haven Youth Council is a community youth forum that meet weekly to create and facilitate various projects to better the community. They also work within the community to build a better reputation for young people. Milford haven Youth Council have run various successful projects over the years whilst building relationships within the community. The young people have also facilitated projects that improve professional informal relationships with decision makers on a local and county-wide level.

Haverfordwest Youth Council

Haverfordwest Youth Council meet weekly to work on various projects that they believe young people and the community want to be involved in. The youth council has worked with organisations within the community to make it a better environment. An example of a piece of work the young people have been involved in is maintaining the planters at Haverfordwest Train Station to make the station more appealable.

Young Voices For Choices

Young Voices for Choices is a youth forum for young people with additional learning needs/disabilities. They get together to highlight and discuss issues that affect their lives. The group provides opportunities for organisations, companies and professionals to consult with the youth forum members and find out their thoughts and opinions. The young people come together to create and organise events and activities to raise awareness of issues the young people with additional needs and disabilities experience. The group also provides great opportunities to socialise and meet other young people but most importantly, opportunities to have fun!



ID: 10589, revised 28/11/2023