Pembrokeshire Schools

Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2022-2031

Local Authorities have a statutory duty to prepare and submit Welsh in Education Strategic Plans (WESPs)

The plans must set challenging targets for developing Welsh medium education in their areas and to demonstrate clear actions and steps to maximise opportunities for Welsh medium education. New regulations make provision for a local authority to prepare a ten year WESP with effect from September 2022. The new WESP will effectively become the cornerstone of Pembrokeshire County Council’s contribution towards meeting Welsh Government’s aspiration to have one million Welsh speakers by 2050.

The vision for the council’s WESP is:

To ensure that all pupils are able to access Welsh Medium Education of the Highest Standard

…based on the following key principles:

  • To recognise every child’s right to learn Welsh and to promote the benefits of bilingualism;
  • To increase the % of pupils opting for Welsh medium education and to ensure that it is available to all learners, within reasonable travelling distance from their homes;
  • To build upon past achievements and to promote the highest academic standards possible;
  • That learners who have attended a Welsh medium setting in the primary phase will be encouraged and expected to continue with this when transferring to subsequent key stages in the secondary phase

Welsh Government has set challenging targets which must be met as part of the WESP. There is a requirement to meet an overarching 'target outlining the expected increase of Year 1 children taught through the medium of Welsh in the local authority’s area during the lifespan of the plan'.

In addition to the overarching target, Welsh Government has set seven outcomes which must be met as part of the WESP. The outcomes reflect a learner’s education journey and are consistent with the policy areas of Cymraeg 2050 and Education in Wales: Our National Mission.

Outcome 1

More nursery children/3 year olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh

Outcome 2

More reception class children / 5 year olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh

Outcome 3

More children continue to improve their Welsh language skills when transferring from one stage of their statutory education to another

Outcome 4

More learners study for assessed qualifications in welsh (as a subject) and subjects through the medium of Welsh

Outcome 5

More opportunities for learners to use Welsh in different contexts in school

Outcome 6

An increase in the provision of Welsh medium education for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) (in accordance with the duties imposed by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018

Outcome 7

Increase the number of teaching staff able to teach Welsh (as a subject) and teach through the medium of Welsh


ID: 2853, revised 29/03/2023