National Family Support services

Young Parents Support – National Services

Invisible Fathers: Working With Young Dads Resource Pack (opens in a new tab) - This pack, produced by the Fatherhood Institute includes a ‘research and practice’ guide, a DVD and photocopy-ready hand-outs for dads

Young mums together: A guide to running services for young parents (opens in a new tab) - Mental Health Foundation

Teenage Parenting Reference Manual (opens in a new tab) - The Tavistock Institute. This report highlights examples of good practice in supporting teenage parents, with a specific focus on vulnerable groups such as looked-after children and the role of teenage fathers. 

Voices from Care (opens in a new tab) - was established in 1990 to help young people who are or have been looked after in Wales and is run by people who have experienced the care system themselves.

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ID: 1868, revised 29/09/2023