National Family Support services

Domestic Abuse – National Services

In England & Wales, 29% of women and 16% of men, have experienced domestic abuse at some point in their life. But because it happens behind closed doors, the problem is often ignored. The effects of physical and emotional torment can be far-reaching, having huge impact on the health of the victim and that of any children living in the home. Here are some national services that can help:

Live Fear Free (opens in a new tab)  

This website takes a stand against domestic abuse and its perpetrators. It offers victims the help and advice they need to start living life without fear and provides valuable information for the friends and relatives who support them. 

Welsh Women's Aid

WWA is the national umbrella organisation representing local Women’s Aid Groups situated throughout Wales. Our member groups provide direct services for women and children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse.

The Dyn Project

The Dyn project provides support to men who are experiencing Domestic abuse from a partner.

The Dyn Wales helpline lets you speak confidentially to someone who can listen to you without judging your situation. We can give you support to deal with the problems faced and tell you if there are any services already available in your area. 

All Wales Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Helpline (opens in a new tab) 

A bilingual information signposting service, to help and guide people with experience of domestic abuse or sexual violence, who are in need of information or access to support services. Open 24 hours

Bawso (opens in a new tab) 

Provides secure accommodation and support to Black and Ethnic Minority women and children in Wales who are at risk of or suffering domestic abuse. Contact: Tel: 029 20644 633; 24 hour helpline: 08007318147; Email:

ID: 1870, revised 02/10/2023