National Family Support services

Dads - National Services

For the majority of men, becoming a father is one of the most challenging, yet transformative, things they will ever experience. Services, traditionally designed to engage with mothers, are now increasingly coming to realise this fact, and acknowledge not only the changing role that men today are playing in family life, but the important input these individuals have in the lives of their children

Positive father involvement contributes to, and provides for, a whole range of better outcomes for children and young people. These include:

  • Higher educational attainment
  • Fewer behavioural problems
  • Better peer relations
  • Less likelihood of engaging in offending behaviour
  • Reduced levels of substance abuse
  • Higher self esteem
  • Increased occupational mobility

As well as biological fathers, a wide range of individuals may act as a father figure to a child. They can include: stepfathers, grandfathers, elder brothers, uncles, cousins, a mother’s new partner etc. The key factor is that they are acting as a positive role model to a child.

Taken from Children in Wales publication ‘Including Fathers in Early Years Services’

National Organisations that provide information and advice to dad’s: (opens in a new tab)

For fathers – Free expert advice and support from legal issues, child development to financial advice and everything in between.

Invisible Fathers: Working With Young Dads Resource Pack (opens in a new tab) 

This pack, produced by the Fatherhood Institute includes a ‘research and practice’ guide, aDVD and photocopy-ready hand-outs for dads.

Checklist for engaging fathers in parenting programmes (opens in a new tab)

The Fatherhood Institute has a short guide with tips and a checklist for engaging fathers in parenting programmes. 

Families need Fathers (opens in a new tab)

Families Need Fathers seeks to obtain, for the children, the best possible blend of both parents in the lives of children; enough for the children to realise that both parents are fully involved in their lives. Legally, parents should be of equal status.  

Fatherhood Institute (opens in a new tab)

The Fatherhood Institute is the UK’s fatherhood think-tank.

Child Support Agency (opens in a new tab)

Telephone: 0845 713 3133
Textphone: 0845 713 8924
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
Saturdays, 9am to 5pm

Child Maintenance (opens in a new tab)

Child maintenance is financial support that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs when the parents have separated.



ID: 1871, revised 02/10/2023