Music Service

Music Events

Pembrokeshire Schools Orchestras/Wind Bands at Ysgol Caer Elen

Rehearsal Dates

4:30pm - 6:30pm

  • 13th September 2024
  • 20th September 2024
  • 27th September 2024
  • 4th October 2024
  • 11th October 2024
  • 18th October 2024
  • 8th November 2024
  • 15th November 2024
  • 22nd November 2024
  • 29th November 2024
  • 6th December 2024

Transport is provided from Ysgol Bro Gwaun, Milford Haven School, Ysgol y Preseli, Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi, Greenhill School and Henry Tudor School to Ysgol Caer Elen for Friday rehearsals. 

Transport for County Ensembles is provided for Secondary School pupils only. 

Unfortunately we are unable to offer transportation to Primary School age pupils as buses are not supervised and therefore only suitable for Secondary School pupils.


A Code of Practice for Pupils and Students attending County rehearsals

This Code of Practice is designed for your safety and the safety of others. Please read and follow the guidelines below:

Due to Safeguarding, only secondary age pupils are able to access the transport provided.

A.  During Your Journey

  1. Find a seat quickly and quietly without pushing and remain fully seated for the entire journey.
  2. Do not obstruct the gangway with bags or other belongings as this may trip other passengers and impede their evacuation from the bus in an emergency.
  3. Wear seat belts where they are fitted.
  4. Do not speak or do anything to distract the driver when he or she is driving, except in an emergency.
  5. Follow the instructions of the driver at all times during your journey and particularly if there is an accident or the bus breaks down.
  6. Children are expected to behave responsibly, in keeping with their school’s guidelines when waiting unsupervised for transport after school/college. Whilst waiting pupils are encouraged to avoid contact and communication with members of the public.

B.  General Behaviour

  1. Bad behaviour will not be tolerated. Ultimately, persistent or particularly serious offenders will lose their right to take part in Music Service ensembles.
  2. Courteous behaviour towards other members of the ensemble and staff at all times.
  3. Prompt timekeeping. Late attendance delays rehearsals for everyone.
  4. Mobile phones to be on silent and out of sight during rehearsals.
  5. Always have a soft pencil and rubber on your music stand (never pen).
  6. Inform the conductor as soon as you are aware that you are unable to attend a rehearsal / concert.

C.   General Information

  1. Concert dress will always be black.
  2. Pembrokeshire Music Service black polo shirts for events / concerts are available to purchase from Tees R Us, telephone number 01834 845216.
  3. When a conductor enters the stage, the ensemble will stand.
  4. Pupils are not allowed to leave the Caer Elen School site without a letter of permission from parents.
  5. A Tuck Shop will be in operation where drinks and snacks will be available for purchase.

 The emergency contact numbers for Friday evenings are: Philippa Roberts 07776 104435/ Sarah Benbow 07966 375210


Pembrokeshire Valero Secondary Schools' Music Festival

Saturday 16th November 2024 at Ysgol Caer Elen


Christmas Concert 

Friday 6th December 2024 at 7pm Haverfordwest High VC School

 Featuring Performances from our County Ensembles and Community Choir

  • Adults £8

  • Children £4  

  • Family Ticket £18 (2 Adults and up to 4 children) 

  • Cash or Card on the door


ID: 2231, revised 10/07/2024

Valero and Pembrokeshire Music Service

Valero Pembroke Refinery is pleased to continue the longstanding sponsorship of Pembrokeshire Music Service. The refinery is proud to support a Music programme, and in particular a number of prestigious concerts, which encourage participation in a variety of disciplines, is inclusive and helps young people to maximise their potential in and outside of music.


ID: 503, revised 29/09/2022

Music Service

Pembrokeshire County Council's Music Service is committed to supporting and enhancing the work of schools in bringing the experience and enjoyment of music making to the young people of the County. The service provides:- specialist tuition on a wide range of instruments and voice; advice on the hire and purchase of musical instruments through Assisted Purchase Scheme; access to County Music Library; a network of performing opportunities at primary, secondary and County levels.

Pembrokeshire County Council

County Hall
SA61 1TP

Tel: 01437 775202

Read our Privacy Notice 

This notice explains why we collect and keep your personal information, how your information is used and what we do with the information we collect.


ID: 451, revised 27/03/2023

External Exams and Private Lessons

External Exams

Except for those pupils who are required to satisfy the demands of GCSE and A Level examination, the service does not require pupils to undertake external instrumental examinations. It is however our policy to encourage pupils to sit graded examinations as a measure of their standard and progress. When a pupil is entered, it is on the understanding that:

  1. The teacher agrees to the entry;
  2. The parent is responsible for payment of examination fee which should be given to the teacher prior to the submission of the entry;
  3. It is the parents who are responsible for ensuring that an accompanist rehearses with the child and is available for the examination;
  4. Realistic support and practice of aural work must be sought

The results of the examinations are usually sent to the teacher who will let the pupils know the results as soon as possible. The Music Service office does not know the results until some time later.

Private Lessons

It is not advisable for a young person to supplement Pembrokeshire Music Service instrumental lessons with private tuition from a different teacher. Two teachers with two different approaches can confuse a student, preventing rather than encouraging the progress. The service is, however prepared to teach pupils who have private tuition, but in the event of allocating a limited number of places, will always give priority to the student not receiving private tuition.


ID: 452, revised 29/03/2023

Advice on Choosing a Private Tutor

Before deciding upon instrumental or vocal teaching for your child, it makes good sense to be satisfied with answers to certain key questions from any potential provider. We suggest that you should ask your potential provider the following questions. Consider their answers carefully before making your choice.

  1. Quality of teaching

    When and how is the teacher observed teaching by senior specialists? How is the quality of teaching assessed and shared with the teacher and standards thus improved? 
    There is a need for the peripatetic teacher to feel part of a team, well-supported and advised. Regular monitoring visits help achieve this and also contribute to improving standards of teaching. The "lone" teacher does not have this advantage.
  2. Selection and qualifications of teachers

    Does the provider audition its teachers - or, if the provider is a private teacher, has a recognised senior specialist heard that teacher play?
    To teach an instrument you have to be able to play it competently. If the teacher is only a grade or two ahead of the pupil, this may result in the pupil not learning to play the instrument correctly and giving up in frustration. It is important that an organisation auditions and interviews its teachers. Private teachers working in schools should be auditioned by a qualified specialist able to judge instrumental / vocal competence.
  3. Professional development of teachers

    How much contact do instrumental / vocal teachers have with other teachers to share skills, and how up-to-date are they in their awareness of teaching methods?
    Teachers employed by CAGAC and Music Mark members form part of a network of over 10,000 teachers. Each service arranges for teachers to meet regularly to share ideas and learn from each other. They are provided with in-service training by visiting specialists of national repute in their field. Music Mark members helped formulate the curriculum document A Common Approach - an instrumental / vocal curriculum that forms the basis of a scheme of work. Produced by the Federation of Music Services, the National Association of Music Educators, the Music Education Council and the Royal College of Music, it has now been endorsed by the Government Advisory Committee on Culture and Creativity in Education and is rapidly becoming the standard curriculum document for music services.
  4. Wider musical opportunities to encourage progress

    Does the provider offer children musical activities over and above the weekly lesson to enable them to fully use their increasing skills?
    To make instrumental / vocal tuition truly effective, children ideally need more than a weekly lesson to keep their enthusiasm and develop their skills. They need to perform with others in orchestras, bands, choirs and other ensembles.
  5. Commercial interests

    Are there any commercial interests involved, such as the provider selling instruments in addition to tuition?
  6. Mixed instrument groups

    Does the provider teach mixed instrumental groups? 
    If you are offered group-teaching involving children playing a mixture of different instrumental families taught by one teacher, remember that the teacher is most unlikely to be a specialist in all of them. If this is the case, some children in the group will be learning from an expert and some will not. The latter will be trying to learn from a teacher who may know little about the instrument the student wishes to learn.
  7. Child protection

    Does the provider have Child Protection guidelines for its teachers? Does the lone private teacher know about child protection? Are they police checked?
    This is a vitally important area for consideration where close proximity between teachers and pupils is involved, sometimes in one-to-one situations.
  8. Membership of MUSIC MARK

    If the provider is an organisation, is it a member of MUSIC MARK OR CAGAC?
  9. Cost and flexibility of the service

    What will be the cost of the lesson plus any charge for the instrument?
    How many will be in the teaching group?
    How many lessons will be delivered per term or year?
    Where will the lessons be held? 
    What other opportunities will be available in the future?
  10. Private Lessons

    It is not advisable for a young person to supplement Pembrokeshire Music Service instrumental lessons with private tuition from a different teacher. Two teachers with two different approaches can confuse a student, preventing rather than encouraging the progress. The service is, however prepared to teach pupils who have private tuition, but in the event of allocating a limited number of places, will always give priority to the student not receiving private tuition.

These are obvious questions for your potential provider and the answers will vary according to where you live and who will provide the service.

Pembrokeshire County Council Music Service is an active member of CAGAC - Welsh LEA' Music Group, and Music Mark.


ID: 453, revised 29/09/2022

Why Learn To Play A Musical Instrument?

As well as the pleasure and enjoyment which making music offers to children and adults, the discipline of playing a musical instrument brings with it a host of benefits:

  • It develops self confidence and self esteem
  • It improves communication skills
  • It develops co-ordination skills
  • It encourages self discipline and develops learning skills
  • It develops social awareness and team- building skills
  • It encourages the development of leadership skills
  • It offers opportunities for visiting new places and meeting new people
  • It provides a means of relaxation in a stressful and turbulent world
  • It provides a positive focus for the use of leisure time.

Recent international surveys have indicated that the study of music not only enhances a child's learning, but also makes significant contribution to the standards children achieve.
Employers also increasingly acknowledge the positive impact, which the study of music has upon the ability of their employees to adapt themselves to the demands of a constantly changing environment.

The opportunity to play a musical instrument should be the right of every child, and at the Pembrokeshire Music Service we specialise in catering for the musical needs of the children from the time when they first choose their instrument to the time when they move to college and university or on to their professional careers.
Through individual lessons in schools and our extensive range of ensemble opportunities, we seek to nurture the talent our children display so that each pupil reaches his/her full potential.

For further information on learning to play a musical instrument please contact us.


ID: 454, revised 29/09/2022

Assisted Purchase scheme

What is it?

The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme enables pupils at Local Education Authority Schools, who receive tuition as part of their curriculum, to purchase instruments without paying V.A.T. Coupled with the discounts available through many suppliers, this can lead to savings approaching 40% on many student instruments.
This procedure has the approval of H.M. Customs and Excise.

What is the choice?

An instrument can be purchased from any supplier who is V.A.T. registered. Professional advice can be obtained from the child's visiting Instrumental Teacher.

How the Scheme works

On receipt of a completed order form, the Music Service will place an official County Council order with the supplier. Debit Card – we will contact you for payment on receipt of this form*** If paying by debit card we will require your telephone number/mobile number. 

The instrument will then be delivered to the child's school and handed to the pupil. The instrument then becomes the property of the pupil.

How long will it take?

In most cases, the instrument will be delivered to the school within a week of the Music Service receiving your order. Occasionally this may take longer but often the instrument arrives at the school the next day.

What are the rules?

In order to comply with the regulations imposed by H.M. Customs and Excise, the following rules must be applied:

  • The student must be in full time education at a Local Education Authority School in Pembrokeshire.
  • The student must be either: a) receiving tuition at the school as part of their curriculum or b) receiving private tuition in support of a curricular activity such as G.C.S.E. or A level music.
  • The instrument must be appropriate for the pupil's needs.
  • The instrument must be portable.
  • The instrument must be handed to the pupil in a designated teaching room.
  • The instrument must be charged to the parents either at, or below the cost to the L.E.A.

What you need to do

  • Fully complete the form
  • Debit Card – we will contact you for payment on receipt of this form*** If paying by debit card we will require your telephone number/mobile number  
  • The instrument will then be ordered and delivered to the school

Instrument Order Form (opens in a new tab)

Data Protection

All information that we hold concerning you as an individual will be retained and processed by the Music Service strictly in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016, as set out in our Fair Processing / Privacy Notice. A full version of this notice can be viewed at Pembrokeshire Music Service alternatively a paper copy can be provided on request by contacting us.

We are sure that you will appreciate the benefits offered to pupils through this scheme - if you have any questions or require further information, please contact:

Pembrokeshire County Council Music Service
Education Department
County Hall
SA61 1TP 

Tel. 01437 775202


ID: 457, revised 21/07/2023

Ensembles and Performing Opportunities

  • Only pupils who display clear evidence of loyalty and commitment to music making within their school, where such opportunities are available, may attend ensembles provided by the service.
  • Evidence of loyalty and commitment to county ensembles provided by the service is required before any pupil can progress at 3 Counties or National level.
  • A pupil or student must be an existing member of county ensemble before Pembrokeshire will endorse any application for National Ensembles.
  • The service has no objection to pupils attending other non-service ensembles. Indeed, it would encourage pupils to get involved in as much music making as possible. Any pupil, however who attends other ensembles at the expense of those of the service will be considered to have opted out of the system, and will consequently not qualify for any County or National Ensemble.






Entry Level

Pembrokeshire Music Service Youth Orchestra


4.30 - 6.30pm

Ysgol Caer Elen, Haverfordwest

By audition from Training Orchestra & Wind Band

Pembrokeshire Music Service Training Orchestra


4.30 - 6.30pm

Ysgol Caer Elen, Haverfordwest

By recommendation of teacher (approx Grade 3)

Pembrokeshire Music Service Youth Wind Band


4.30 - 6.30pm

Ysgol Caer Elen, Haverfordwest

By audition from Training Orchestra & Wind Bands

Pembrokeshire Music Service Youth Brass Band


4.30 - 6.30pm

Ysgol Caer Elen, Haverfordwest


Pembrokeshire Music Service Youth Rock and Pop Bands


4.30 - 6.30pm

Ysgol Caer Elen, Haverfordwest



Jazz Ensemble

Pembrokeshire Schools Jazz Ensemble

Various rehearsals and events throughout the year







ID: 455, revised 17/06/2024